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A member registered Nov 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Pros - Good movement and sprites 

Cons - No tutorial

(1 edit)

Pros - Cool idea of a game, like the texts

Cons - Kinda slow and no tutorial

Pros - Like the idea 

Cons - Cube moves to fast and you can just be still and dont get hit

Pros- Cool desgin and animation, nice game

Cons - Yeah i cant win

Pros - art and mechanic good

Cons - cant play it running animation was always on

Pros - Cool and addicting

Cons - maybe more enemies

Pros = Cool and nice game design. 

Cons = IDK

Pros= Good music, Like the jumping and the idea of the game.

Cons= Maybe there could be like a power where you see how muhc jump force you are using. 

And my player is stuck i cant move.

Pros = Nice idea of a game like it.

Cons = When there come 2 skulls together i cant shoot both of them fast enough so i just die. 

Idk whats happening but the guy gets instadeath when I start the game

Pros fun music 

Pros = Good music, and just overall fun game.

Cons = Maybe the car could have been a bit bigger.

Pros art er nett og idea of game.

Cons Game mechanic needs some upgrade

PROS  Art er really cool.

Cons really short game and pretty easy tho.

Pros Öðruvísi og nett concept á leiknum, cool gun affect.

Cons zombies takes alot of hits.

Pros = Nett artið og hvernig leikurinn virkar.

Cons = gat ekki unnið

Pros Fíla conceptið á leiknum, nett flashlight

Cons Sens to high, red dude to slow

Pros Cool main character

Cons þar er infininte jump. 

It doesnt work to download for me :(