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A member registered May 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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I appreciate the play on this game. How did you find it?


stop playing this game

I never posted on reddit. Wasn't me.

A lot of incoming damage can be completely prevented by diving to dodge bullets. You get a huge tac bar bonus.

Do you know where?

nope :)

It was a bug that got introduced at the last minute when I tried to add the autosave after each room. I never bothered to fix it, and It's not going to be fixed for a while.... but it will be fixed...

There's a button in the pause menu, you can also use alt + enter if you're using the standalone.

sorry about the camo being buggy. That was fully my fault :)

the link to the play the game is completely broken.

Super tight. Everything works well.

There's something so honest about this that I love. I don't want to spoil it too much.

Do the controls just plain not work on keyboard?

the link goes nowhere.


(1 edit)

It's most reliable to hit c + space bar at almost the exact same time.

It's like using the long jump module in Half Life.

Try to prevent scope creep, make many small projects where you try only a few new things at once. You're not going to end up with any amazing final product, but building up your skills is what's important.

Join lots of jams, I personally prefer shorter ones because it will show you what you need to prioritize in order to actually release a project on time.

Skins won't do any good if you can't see yourself

I'm not looking to good, but that text file doesn't seem to reveal anything to sensitive. Just the build directory

bullets originate from the gun muzzle. I thought it would be cool if part of the skill curve was learning where each weapon was centered (it was not cool)

I learned programming and game design on scratch. I made a game with that costume as the main character. I actually have an earlier incarnation of this game on there at

I just realized your pfp is one of the dog costumes from scratch

thanks for playing :)

k, thanks bro!!

I don't know what the problem would be. I would guess that toggling fullscreen on and off might help, but otherwise, that may be a problem with being unable to set the game's resolution directly.

I actually forgot that janitors that would show up in rooms you previously cleared out got scrapped. I had a mop model and a couple animations made, but never got around to it

Glitch I don't care to fix

VCD already exists, I'm not going to spend like a month making a worse version of it.

That's actually awesome

great... guess I'll have to fix that

There's no way anymore. Spawning enemies was a feature in a way earlier sandbox build

I broke the game again :)

Before giving the game linear progression, I had a single room where I would spawn enemies in for testing

There's ways to cheat through it, but I've found that the reliable way to get through is to melee the melee enemies, and save your ammo for quickly killing ranged enemies. Shotguns will ignore the agents' dodges and blocks.

That's not a glitch.

Dive to dodge bullets. Enemies will play a dodge animation where they are immune to bullets for a short time.

would you mind elaborating on what you want to see changed so far?

he's lying

you can easily on the steam version