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Alon Tzarafi

A member registered Aug 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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The animations and particles are really cute. I wish you could warp past the edges like in pacman

The  ESC key is the key to reset the level. typing 'reset' in the console also works.

A problem with fullscreen mode on a webpage is that the first ESC only gets out of fullscreen. So you may have to press ESC twice. I'll add instructions below the game.

(3 edits)
My game is a light-hearted adventure on a weird alien planet. Built in a very old school fashion with pixel graphics, short - focused levels, puzzles and bosses, the catch is that the whole game is played with 4 arrow keys and nothing more. Due to the sneaky snakes who own the planet, your movement directions are wired to additional actions. Your character is actually massively stronger than most inhabitants on this planet but because of the wiring on your space suit you must synchronize your actions carefully to orchestrate the killing of everyone in fights and to win the levels.

Play time: 1-2 hours.


(1 edit)

Experimental music jam tower defense

Modu Beats is an special music-based game because it's one where your gameplay both affects and is affected by the music. Originally a Global-Game-Jam game (the theme was: waves), the development was quite hilarious because as 2 programmers we wanted conflicting things: the music to be affected by the game, and the music to affect the game. So each of us did something completely different and miraculously it turned out somewhat coherent. Since then the UI has been improved. And now I did one last UI polish sweep and put it here and I hope you enjoy it:

Ok so it seems like your browser has extra security against downloading and running things from the internet.

You could try to override it, but there's a second option. Now there's a version that is playable directly from the browser so you can play that without downloading anything:

Hi PixelKun

I can't read this language so I can't help you. What does it say?

Modu Beats doesn't have an installer/installation. It's a simple zip file that you extract into a folder, and inside it is the game's executable which starts the game immediately. It's similar way to many/most games here on