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Alpha Flash

A member registered Dec 26, 2023

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Hello! I'm A Furry VN Enthusiast, always wanting to try New VNs out there and I seem to found one. Even if this is just a short VN for a jam, I like the story. The art is rather eye pleasing too!

I found out about your VN from this Furry VN Community Discord Server as people share a lot of these May Wolf VNs and have its own special channel to pick & choose The May Wolf VNs that you want to read (like a list). Your VN got shared of course that caught my attention

I thought I'd let you know.

There are already other VN Creators present & if you're looking to share/promote your VN to a wider audience, this is the place for it. They also have resources for VN Development and can search for specific people with talents like artist/musician/proofreader/editor/programmer etc usually needed in making a VN.

Overall, there's a lot of amazing people and a nice atmosphere. I hope you will enjoy the server & wishing you luck for whatever jam/project you're gonna do next!

(1 edit)

Hello! I'm A Furry VN Enthusiast, always wanting to try New VNs out there and I seem to found one. Even if this is just a demo, I really dig the portrait mode as its something you don't see everyday in a VN. A nice start to the story. I really admire the art style. Can't wait for more!

I found out about your VN from this FVN Community Discord Server as your VN got shared & someone did a commentary on it yesterday that caught my attention 

I thought I'd let you know.
If you're looking to promote/discuss/make more people aware/getting feedback, tips & networking on your VN or just hangout with other VN Creators, I recommend joining the community if you have discord.

Its a great place of resources for VN Developers. There are many of them which can help you become a better developer as am sure they are willing to share their experiences & gives you some tips. You can also search for specific people with talents like artist/musician/proofreader/editor/programmer etc.

Overall, there's a lot of helpful people and a nice atmosphere. I hope you will enjoy the server & wishing you luck for the future & how the next update will pan out!

Hello! I'm A Furry VN Enthusiast, always wanting to try New VNs out there and I seem to found one. Overall so far, I like it. It is rare to have a Female Protagonist in a VN. I am happy that I decided to just go for it even if its something that's not really up my alley. 

I found out about MATAR from A Furry VN Community since I saw your VN got shared & featured there. I also saw a couple people that you mentioned in this page's "The Crew" in the community as well.  Thought I'd let you know.

If you're looking to promote/discuss/make more people aware or getting feedback, tips & networking on your VN or just hangout with the readers & other VN Creators, I recommend checking it out if you have discord 

Its a great place of resources for VN Developers/Associates. There are many of them which can help you become a better developer as am sure they are willing to share their experiences & gives you some tips. You can also search for specific people with talents like artist/musician/proofreader/editor/programmer etc.

Overall, there's a lot of helpful people and a nice atmosphere. I hope you will enjoy this server & wishing you luck for the future & how the next update will pan out!