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Alpha Okamii

A member registered Jul 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Besides all the flashbangs this game hits you with, it was an ABSOLUTE BANGER!!! Keep it up man!

The food serving is what makes this game a BANGER!!!

dis game do be gaming when it comes to being spooky

What da "dog" doing

This game hit me with a NASTY jumpscare. Can't wait for part 2!

An absolute BANGER!!!

What da pou doing?

Some monsters have AURA!

(FULL GAME) This game was INCREDIBLE! Keep it up!

This game ruined my life... BUT IN A FUN WAY! :)

What da alien doing?

Typical combo bomb experience

One of the best indie games I've played in a while!

(FULL GAME) The atmosphere in this game is INCREDIBLE!

Would NOT recommend attending ring academy, but would definitely recommend playing!

Dis be one of dem bangers!


Very short, and very simple :)


What da dawg doing?

An Absolute BANGER! lots of twist and turns with this game

Not too shabby mate

Pretty gnarly game man!

I found a bug... THE WHOLE GAME!!!

The perfect spot is NOT what you think it is...


This being your first game ever made, it's pretty good. Keep it up!

Absolute BANGER!

Have no idea what I just played... BUT IT WAS AMAZING!!!

Had a lot of fun playing this!

Can't wait for the full release! This game was an absolute BANGER! keep it up man :)

I don't know what scp is, but i do know this was a good game :)

One of the best indie games I've played in awhile. Good job mate!

Very short game, but still very good!

An absolute BANGER!
(1 edit)

Really good game! The jumpscares get predictable but the atmosphere is prefect!

Very slow start, but I liked the ending :)


Your own mind can kill you...