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A member registered Aug 18, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hi! Awesome, thanks for the heads up. That's the video live now. Really love the easter egg! Thank you very much! :)

Awesome, thanks for the heads up about the ending and glad you like the channel! It's a great game, I'll probably wait for the update with the new ending before I cover it. Cheers! :)

Ah cool, thanks for the heads up! I thought maybe I'd missed something. Cheers! :)

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Great game! The Golly mascot is terrifying! I was just wondering, is there any point in collecting the posters? I got the same ending either way.

I really liked this! Great visual style and a cleverly told story. Sadly I think YouTube would probably slap an age restriction on it if I did a video on it (due to some of the subject matter), but I'll look forward to checking out your future games. :)

Aww, congratulations! He's adorable. Have a great time off and enjoy the diaper changing! :)

Awesome! Will look forward to it! :)

Oh that's great! Glad it's getting turned into a full game! Will you be releasing an updated demo?

Awesome, thanks for the heads up, I'll wait for the next demo before I cover it. Really like what I've seen so far though! :)

I really like this. Looking forward to seeing more of it. Is it possible to solve any puzzles in the teaser (collect both parts of the key, open the chest, access the Library, etc) or is the only ending going to sleep on the sofa?

That's the article and video live now. :)

Haha! That was wonderfully ridiculous! Awesome work! :)

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Glad you like the channel! I'm actually planning on getting a video of this game up there. Do you have any plans to alter the footstep FX? If you do, then I'll wait for that build (if not I can just cover this one). 

Also I still can't figure out the Konami code thing! What buttons are you using for B and A? And are you using the arrow keys to input up, down, left and right, or are you using WASD? I'm intrigued about the easter egg mode now! :)

This is really cool! Really nails the Contra aesthetic. One thing I'd recommend is removing/replacing the footstep sounds. They're very loud and feel out of place.

Also, you mention it has "retro cheat codes". I assume that's the Konami Code which is a very cool touch. Where do you input it though? I couldn't figure it out! 

Awesome, thanks for the heads up! Yeah, I actually got the "You Tripped" line on one playthrough! I thought I was home free too! :)

Another excellent Game Boy horror game! Awesome work! How many endings are there? (I found two) :)

No worries at all! It confused me a little bit too! :)

If you look on the right side of the remap controls screen you will see a red "X" for each input. Click on that X (multiple times) and it will remove the keybinds and you can remap it properly. :)

Great concept and love the artwork! If you could change the interface so that you can just drag and drop the cards with a mouse it would make for a massive improvement.

This is a hilariously dumb idea for a game. I love it! :)

Awesome! Look forward to checking it out. :)

A very promising game. Serious issues with the lamp though. As others have stated it gets dropped and you can't pick it up. But another issue is that it flails around too much when you're running and becomes very distracting. Would recommend reducing the movement of the lamp and moving it further to the side of the screen.

Also, subtitles and brightness settings would be nice.

Cool game though! Some great scares and I love the setting and atmosphere. :)

Hi! Thanks! Glad you like the feedback! Please bear in mind mouse controlled aiming is just an example of something you can do, not an explicit suggestion. I just think you need to do something to make the combat more interesting or remove it altogether. The insta-death if caught method might be better for your game, so every monster encounter would either require stealth, running away or puzzle solving. It would also make the encounters scarier.  I'd recommend replaying  Another World/Out of this World (or the recently released Full Void) and examining the enemy encounters in there for some good examples of how to do it. 

I do think your game has a lot of potential and could be a big success, but I wouldn't recommend giving up your job yet, unless you manage to find a publisher who will bankroll you.

And again, all of these are all just my personal opinions. Feel free to ignore them all. It's your game, you know it best! :)

Seems promising! The FOV is way too low at the moment though. Would recommend adding an option to change it.

This is really cool!  I was just wondering if there's any way to drift/power slide around corners? Also, a color select option for the vehicles would be cool.  :)

The new build is great! A few little suggestions:

It might be a good idea to allow the player to run as there's quite a bit of backtracking.

The text size is a little small.

Some way of highlighting all interactable objects in a room would be handy.

The melee combat is pretty bad (repetitive and easy). I'd recommend scrapping it and finding some other way to do it. Such as introducing more stealth, adding a gun (that you aim with the mouse) or making the encounters more like Another World (insta-death, puzzle-like encounters where you use the environment to your advantage, etc).

These are just my opinions. Feel free to ignore them! It's a very cool game with a lot of potential. Keep up the great work! :)

(1 edit)

This game's got a really cool vibe! I'll certainly check out future builds of it.

At the moment I found it a little confusing though. I wandered around, collected some cards and made some meat cubes. I have no idea what's going on or how to reach the throne room (I searched for 10 minutes).

Also it would be good to be able to manually skip the text that pops up when you collect (it stays up for ages).

Tons of potential, just some frustrations that get in the way at the moment! Keep up the great work! :)

Damn, that must have taken forever to do manually! In future I'd recommend creating an audio file and uploading it to here:

Thank you Vlademere (and everyone else involved at the HPS1 community) for another great Madvent adventure. It must take a lot of work to organize so many games into a coherent festive package. It's been a real treat to tuck into each December and great for getting into the festive spirit. 

I hope Madvent continues in some form, but even if it doesn't, its been a wonderful ride. Thank you for making Xmas a little brighter, sillier and scarier over the years. And best of luck with your future endeavors. :)

This is really cool! Is there any way to quickly restart stages though?

Ah yeah, I kinda thought it was a slim chance. Great work though! They all look fantastic! :)

Oh damn, those sprites look incredible! Are there any plans to create a game with them?

This is really cool! I'm intrigued by the visuals are they hand made or AI generated?

Congratulations on the full release! Loved the demo! :)

No worries, it's a cool game! Love the visual style and multi-route level design. Did a gameplay vid and article. I'd suggest a touch more accuracy with the pistol and allowing players to sneak up right behind guards. At the moment they seem to be triggered at a certain distance even if you're sneaking up behind them.  Love the game though. Keep up the great work! :)

This is really cool! Is there any way to zoom in or aim down sights though? It seems like a lot of the combat is long range so some way to zoom in and increase accuracy would be welcome (especially when trying to be stealthy with the pistol).

No thanks necessary, it was always a pleasure to cover your games, they always brightened up my day! If you do release some animated shorts (or something similar), please post an announcement on Itch so I can check them out! :)

That's a shame, but Yorkshire Gubbins is already a delight and was already great value for money so there's no need for any form of apology. Hope you're doing well. Also, have you thought about any other outlets for your Yorkshire humor? Animated TikTok shorts or something similar could be a lot of fun. :)

The original game jam build was great! Best of luck with the full release! :)

This is dumb as hell. I love it! :)