Thanks! Great stuff, really mature workflow and it shows.
Alpha Zoo
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Good job, guys! I laughed at "here lies tree". It's been literally 15 years since I made a game in Java; what did you do to make it? For Javascript, you might try pixi.js, which works pretty well for making fast game prototypes. (I recently wrote a 7 day pixi guide).
Thanks! I don't know if you saw, but I got them from, which ... sigh, was on sale. Would recommend at the sale price of $7.50!
I like your effects and the clean controls. You can get some great free backgrounds at or
Congrats on finishing!
Thank you! I have a lot of convenience methods from prior games to build on and it really helps.
A friend of mine suggested it's not the number of keys but those specific 6, because they don't naturally fit one or two hands. I think I'm going to try changing it to A S D J K L and see if that works better.
If you heard the take damage sound, it probably robbed you of a heart! That's a bug and I'll investigate. thanks for letting me know!
I LOVE THIS. Beautifully polished, clean style, very nice use of the theme, great controls, particle effects were a nice touch, good difficulty level. I won it on my third try, 94/99, but I was sweating bullets the whole time. It's huge, so it's a great use of level generation to extend the play time.
If you ever expand on this, could you had a level with a branching maze? It would have that nice metroidvania touch of exploration and backtracking.
I seriously love this game. Thank you!