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A member registered Nov 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

OH I didn't have a warning, maybe because I compiled it on my computer (I'm working on Win10), thank you so much for letting me know !

I will add a note on download instruction, and try to fix that (I think it's because my game doesn't have any license, and have not been played before so AVs consider it not safe...)


You made me realize that I haven't included DLLs for the game, so you wouldn't be able to run the game anyways :)

Yes, all you have to do is download the zip file. extract it and you'll have the tileset. A compact and an airy version of it. The only thing of it, if you want to make a game with it is to credit me as the tileset is under a creative commons licence. Checkout the README.txt file in the zip. But to answer you. This is ENTERILY FREE !  I just wanted to share my work and let other do stuff with it ;)

Thanks ! :)

Thank you very much !

In fact, you can hit into every direction, and aim with the mouse. You can attack by clicking mouse, and by hitting space(special attack). I didn't use any engine because i just don't know how to, and i just don't have a lot of time to learn it. Maybe one day i will :)