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A member registered Dec 02, 2016 · View creator page →

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I realy realy love your game, and it's super relaxing, but I think it gets REALY frustrating when you make nothing but loss. I think I barely ever get over 50 gold because I always make loss. I put all my skill points into charisma, but still make loss. I think it's realy frustrating.

If the amount of gold you get from creating something is random, I think it should be considered how much time you needed for creating, or anything for that matter. But it gets so so frustrating after a while

Basically a gigantic meme. But the best meme I have ever played, even if it's a WIP until this point.. I ahve never seen anything better

I'm in utter love with the story! I CAN'T wait for the next parts!

An ABSOLUTELY great job!