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A member registered May 16, 2017

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well, on 10.14 still not work

okey, it's work properly, thanks ^ ^

Better you should have client for mac version separately, from I check up there's no any resource on your mac version package.

will this game has mac version in future?

okey I'll be wait, or else if you have the solutions such as applications or minimum version of OS requirement. Please tell me then.

give you 1 star as you still didn't fix mac os bug then

hmm~ mac os problem sorry

it's okey, hope you can fixed soon ^ ^

yeah it's show up like this since success open application

nope I actually play VN so verify is not my problem but game clash since I open up with actually Renpy bug page, 

sorry, mac version was clashed

thx~ I'll be wait for mac version

thx for your information ^ ^

is it really day 3? why every route stop in day 1 cafeteria...I'm in mac version

fine, I'll wait till ya have mac version

Yee thx *huggs*

(1 edit)

wait a sec, 1.4 has no mac version? (heart broken)

hehe, can't wait to see more update rn <3

aww~ good VN. can tell that I'm gonna hug them all X3

even tried to load pass app it's also told me 'not compatible'.

welp, I'm on mac and try to play the game, but can't open your mac version

nice, I'll be waiting for your new update too ^ ^

thx a lot ^^

hope this could help ^ ^

Alright, I've tried what you need me to do already but still not work. and I'm still not sure, where  the location you need to change the permission so I've check up it's already read/write and that's the most permission would have on mac too.

I've tried to press save game on a slot, but nothing recorded

I can't save game on mac version ;-;

Yay!!! thank you so much <3

Yee, thx ^ ^

plz tell me when you has mac version then, they're thicc and really hot ;)

I've waiting for mac version too, but thx for android at the moment ^ ^

It's work properly, thx so much :3

yay, finally has mac version, Thx XD