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A member registered May 24, 2022

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I actually disagree somewhat with those. The berry issue should be fixed with the enigma change (which i havent tested because for some reason when i launch the 1.201 version it keeps launching the 1.000)

- There isnt a lack of draw power as having 10 rock/tree with momento + lucky out of a 30 card deck gave me enough draw power to run thru my entire pokemon stack in every fight. 

that being said a new glyph that would let you search a pokemon with the same type as the card played or let you search the berry stack for a specific berry type might be really good to push more deck variation/combinations and make multi berry decks better than mono berry depending on how rare enigmas still are (because once uve got like 30 enigmas then it doesnt really matter anymore)

- the constant increase in min deck size does feel a bit awkward at certain stages of the game i will agree because its an instant consistency break in your deck at early levels but i dont think its going to be nearly as bad with the berry change.

- The tribute node should probably show up more but im totally fine with it being a one use thing since its free (alternativly you could keep the same spawn rate but make it unlimited use however it would cost progressivly more the more you use it in a single instance so you cant just hit a tribute node and max ur deck then and there)

- i said this last time buti think the biggest push forward (outside of including more pokemon/content) is to add more pokemon specific glyphs like how pokemon have abilities in the main series games. similar to what youve got going for wheezing and ditto this will make it less about loading up my deck with what ever has the best stats and placing courage/shield/vampirism on them so they never die and more statigicly thinking about what each pokemon card offers my deck

once again this is such an awesome thing youve done ad we all cant wait to see what you do next!

woa where did u get that

I grinded the mess out of this for the past few days. It's awesome! I've got a lot of feedback to give!

- The Generic Route music while good gets boring because it is played in every place except the elite 4. if you expand this it would be nice to hear more route specific music!

- There should be a free-for-all berry. Currently there is no reason to run any other deck other than mono oran berry because the consistensy is just way better than running a multi colored deck (which is sad for us who like a specific pokemon that is a different color) you could repurpose the enigma berry for this (but you could also keep it coded to be needed specifically for legendaries so it serves a duel purpose)

- Legendaries are too weak. Based on the fact that legendary needs one extra berry than any other pokemon, they arent strong enough to compete. their stats are the same as any other easily gained pokemon. you could also consider giving them strong glyphs specific to that pokemon.

- More Glyph variations. Right now based on how the game runs ive got about 20 pokemon and 10 tree/rocks. and about 90% of the cards i run have either Courage/Shield or Lucky/Momento. Those 4 glyphs (especailly the latter on a free cost card such as rock/tree) are so much more useful than any other glyph that stuff like Fork attack/ Adaptability/harvest feel absolutely worthless. i dont really believe in nerfing things as much as i believe in buffing weak things so perhaps making them a but more useful (such as adaptability making the type advantage deal double damage + 1 instead of the normal +1)

- Events should let you access the whole list of cards instead of your deck only. I know this could probably lead to lag like in the deck menu but having to swap in our out cards for things like tributes or glyphs can be really annoying

all in all this is an amazing game. I hopw to see you expand it in the future! especially excited to see gen 3 mons and perhaps more pokemon starting off with glyphs that are pokemon specific like transform and mist to add more variety to the pokemon other than stats