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A member registered Jan 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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There is just a link in the description here register so that I can get another 1GB of free space I plan to create a lot of Mediafire cloud for other mails. And I have already updated the alternative link the site allowed me to do this.

Fredbear is the original male protagonist

in the regular animations he disappeared, but in the novel they show what happened, that's why it's called the extended version.

And regarding there being only one scene that can be like this, however, I gave it some glow so that someone would understand that this is separate material for animatronics.

And so it is for one shader? And it doesn't work with mobile ones.

By the way, the avatar's buttons are broken and the clothes don't change.

The second one cannot be missed.

Keep up the good work, I'm sure her ratings will go up when you update the game.

The work is not finished yet you at least post read what is added there and what is changed.

21.94$ at the Russian exchange rate is how much the upgrade costs according to Yandex.

I'm working on scenes of them now again a lot of update you can get on Boosty I just there posted information about traps for the hero and the update will not be free just an update.

There will be Zip in future updates

as this format has already caught up with 7zip in compression.

And read the description the game has been abandoned by the developer, I'm currently busy with the novel.

There will be an update, but only in alpha versions, this is still a demo version, why am I resetting the progress to Alpha versions? everything is very simple, if I want it to work on Android, he needs a new project for Android, I and the IDG Lab community are trying to make porting to the Android version easier, while the game can only be available on Android 13 and IDG Lab has done a good job in this regard, only a new project remains make it and test every little thing in the Android emulator.

I noticed that I haven’t updated the game and it’s still version 4.

To update the genitals you need to interfere with the sculpture itself and the mesh of the model; this is not easy, but quite difficult; the fastest update is to remove that mesh of the genitals with textures and attach a ready-made accessory with physics; I say this for those who want to quickly update these genitals using an item or accessory You'll just have to attach it later. (Google Translator)

The system evaluates resistance in numbers; if you miss too many of these presses, even hidden presses, you will be defeated immediately.

I said in the descriptions the project is very old

there will be no continuation, my game was saved, and in general there are projects for a long time that have long overtaken this game, even though they are 18+.

(1 edit)

It was funny to go through this game, usually I

I turn people whom I consider animals into humans, but here, on the contrary, a person into an animal, the rabbit and I are different in the methods of normality of actions.

Unfortunately, new versions of this game are not available to me, but I appreciated the game and it was fun.

There are a lot of such hints, first a hint, then clicking after the disappearance of this prompt, you can go to the second stage in the second stage, if I'm not mistaken, you first need to wait and then click on the hint or skip the dialogue on Enter or the left mouse button.

At what stage? the first Office of locations where everything starts as a person or where it is still dark and without light, the third location of Fnaf 3.

If you pressed EXTRA it's your problem.

It is not planned that the novel editor program does not know how to pack resources for android.

There is no port, the creator of the game immediately abandoned it when he quarreled with someone.

I am Russian, obviously not only you come here could think of it myself and not ask stupid questions

You don't know your English well, once your eyes are stuck in the wrong place.

This is your problem if the browser protects, you should turn off this paranoia in the settings, turn off your browser or allow you to download or turn off the antivirus for a while if you are afraid, there is no reason to clog up with useless comments here.

Alas, there will be absolutely everything up to these scenes between Foxy and Mangle, so there can be no speech about gender.

This means that you are not an experienced player and I am experienced enough to survive in these conditions.

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That's what I expected sympathy for this character, it tells you what happened to her and why she offered Fisting for Fredbear in the 3rd part of the pizzerias, which meant that she was there, she was not a virgin, but an experienced one for a long time thanks to her sister.

Look through the cameras, they generally flicker when there are batteries.

Если вы русский то вот вам причины 

Чаще всего черный экран вызывают следующие причины:

Устаревшая версия драйвера видеокарты или дополнительного ПО (Visual C++, Direct X, .Net Framework и другого)

Неисправность монитора или «железа»

Несоответствие компьютера системным требованиям игры

Использование программ для захвата изображения с экрана 

А также рекомендую кнопку ALT+ENTER это переход в оконный режим если у вас такие проблемы с черным экраном дальше помочь я вам не могу уже.

If you have Windows 11, then I hasten to disappoint you with old games, it will refuse to run an example, I translate the launch of Warcraft 3 1.26, it does not run on Windows 11 and does not display the reason.

I'm very happy, but her main processor and not graphics. And I'm not a technician, I don't have these problems with the game.

You know, you can not dream of running a game that requires not a weak PC, but a powerful enough PC.

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Firstly, to hide under the table; secondly, they gave a flashlight to check the ventilation; thirdly, batteries are mined from the cameras.

This is not a mistake, I'll leave hints later, you just didn't find the change of the cursor to the click hand at the mouth in Foxy.

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Прочитай на досуге этот вирус не является вирусом он не опасен если впервые качаешь игра будет определятся так да и вообще смотри сначала чем он определил что это за антивирус Джуманджи?

That's all he did, he didn't develop anything further. Yes, and I advise you to look at the year when he was.