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A member registered Apr 11, 2021

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This was great fun! I love the music (reminded me a little of Crypt of the Necrodancer). At first I thought you would get a random set of attacks each round, but after round two that notion was dispelled. Great little game, good job!

This was really enjoyable, and with such a beautiful visual design as well. All the best of luck in the jam!

It won't seem to load up when I try to play it!

Might just be me, but the game seems to be pretty buggy still.

You should consider not having the song loop back in when you press restart. It's a good song, but I only seemed to be hearing the start of it as I repeatedly tried to hit the box, heh...

At some point I think you forgot to put in a win condition. I was sad that I couldn't progress any further, but the game was really fun! The music relaxed me while I was going inching ahead tremulously.

It's pretty rough still, I feel? Sometimes even though you're going forward, suddenly the ball jumps backwards. Also, now I'm having to press left and right constantly, but I think it might work better if you had to tap left and right, and the more you tapped, the faster it angled left or right. That might give it a bit more juice. Great effort though!

Quick, fun, good vibe. The music feels strangely fitting.
The jump mechanics are a bit heavy, maybe, but there is just enough leeway that you can usually correct a bad jump.
I was almost surprised that you couldn't eat more than one fly during a jump. That would feel like a good "ramping up" of the difficulty.