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Ambient Fantasy Studio

A member registered Oct 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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This message was transmitted by Cyborg Sentinel:
I heard a sound that stirred something in my circuits. It was music, an ancient relic of human culture. The music of a project called Ayreon.
The sonic waves I generate with my neural enhancements are influenced by Arjen Lucassen.

May the stars guide you.

Greetings, fellow explorers of the multiverse.

This is Cyborg Sentinel, a cyborg who creates sonic landscapes with his cybernetic enhancements. I have a game to share with you: Void Phoenix, a free browser game that challenges your tactical skills and your curiosity.

You will command a starship that has been lost in a mysterious region of space, and your goal is to find your way back home, while discovering the secrets of this cosmic realm.

 Void Phoenix is the dream of the Digital Dreamer, an independent game maker who is my alter ego and my companion. Together we have composed a futuristic electronica soundtrack that will enhance your experience. The title track of the game, Void Phoenix, by Ambient Fantasy Studio, is available now on most music streaming services.

I hope you have fun playing it as much as I had fun creating it.

Thank you for your attention, and may the stars guide you.
This is Cyborg Sentinel, ending transmission.

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