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Amidst Hearts

A member registered Feb 15, 2024 · View creator page →

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You mighty have an extension on your browser changing the colors?

It looks pretty clear to me and others even while using other devices.

How about now? ^^

Sure, I just need to figure translating out.. I'm new at this..

But I want to have russian, japanese, spanish, german and french at least

Thank you angel! More coming soon!!!

I've had a lot of feedback of players experiencing issues with the game.. I'm sorry I'm trying my hardest to make something decent for you all.

With the help of all said feedback I'm allowed to improve and learn a lot.

I hope you'll come across less bugs in later versions, I'll try.

By envious do you mean "jalous"? If you wish to get personal with this project and let me give you tips on what I know, my workflow and how I proceed in general I'd be happy to share!

Nothing is more valuable to me than to help!

Sure thing, just join the game's Discord server and you'll see me on there. You can send me a friend request from there.

See you soon!

I'm sorry you had to experience this.. But I can't tell you how thankful I am that you went to that extent by taking some of your own personal time to explain thoroughly what is happening on your end. This means a lot to me. I will be able to fix this thanks to your explanation. It will also create a better experience for future players.

Once again, thank you so much!

As discussed with Patrons sex scenes will be animated but not fully for now. I need to find a middle ground between animating and making progress on the game.

Take care!

I will upload a hotfix soon and reply once again to your comment when said issue has been fixed. I'm deeply sorry you had to experience this.. (It's my first project).

Have you tried not running the prologue for now?

tysm! <3

I just fixed it! I will upload a hotfix tomorrow after fixing a couple more issues that have been brought up. Thank you so much for taking some of your personal time to explain to me that there is an issue and what it is! 

From the bottom of my heart, I'm thanking you for all the futur players that won't have to encounter this problem.

I hope I'll be up to your expectations! See you for next update I guess ^^

I can't tell you I don't really have time to try other games.. Thank you for the kind words, I'm pouring all my heart into this project.

ControlNet, Photoshop (drawing).

Not yet..

Thank you so much for understanding and also motivating me! It truly means so much to me, thank you

thoughts after trying it?

There is at least one a month! I wish I could output more but I'm still learning and I'm alone ehe. I won't give up you can count on me!!!

Definetly not.. Thank you for reporting this! It will be fixed for next update.. I'm still learning Ren'Py, sorry for the inconvenience..

Translations will be a thing I don't know when.. Still learning a lot of things! I'll do my research.

Thank you so much! I don't plan on stoping learning Ren'Py anytime soon!

Thank you for specifying web. I know what isn't working now. I will fix it so it should launch normally from the app. I'll post a devlog about it. 

Base Concepts are generated with ControlNet but then I have to redraw everything. Also you can't use AI to animate in detail or keep a high quality such as what's in the game. AI is cool but has it's limitations. I can give you tips and tricks I guess but the keywords are patience, practice and discipline when it comes to this. Thank you for the kind words and questions!

I will update the game files today then just to be sure. Thank you so much for noticing me.

Could I know what OS you are on? (Linux, Mac, Windows, Android).

EHE what an insane rating! Thank you tho it goes straight to my heart

Yeah they will! But about volume specifications it will depend on the scenes.

Everything shoul be changed now! So weird that the text was okay for me but not readable for all of you.. Well, see you really soon and thank you for the kind words!

It will be soon for free as we are already half month. I'd say  exceptionaly Wednesday of next week. After that Patreon gets an update every beginning of every months and for free around the middle.

Yeah I am but with work and personal likfe it has been a been hectic lately!

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm trying my hardest to net let all of you down

Thank you so much that goes straight to my heart!

Now that you say it it's true I should've went with that... I'm new to all this sorry

no definite ETA as a lot is going on in my personal life right now but I'd say a month from now

(2 edits)

Thank you so much for the kind and heart warming words. I did not expect so many feedback and visibility right away expressing the very few experience I have regarding all this. I will do my best to make a pleasant "1st game" for you all to enjoy! Once again, thank you.

why not in another "Amidst Hearts" game yes

If only I could have "employees"...

You will discover that in a new update eheh

(1 edit)

I'm more focused on story as of right now and want the sex scenes to be earned so I don't know right now but you'll find extra content on the games discord!

That is planned bit will it be do-able in time? I'm only 1 person working on it and a new dev also so...