Thank you so much it means the world! There are plenty of way better ones but your words go straight to my heart!
Amidst Hearts
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It is getting smaller and smaller, it won't "shrink" anymore, I'm playing around with these kinds of details right now as there are a lot of split opinions especially on that topic. It is a bit too late now but I might be able in our next project to add a 'slider' for anyone to customize this.
I don't know yet if it will come back to its regular size, get smaller or stay like this..
Sorry for such a messy answer but yeah.. Thank you for sharing your concerns efnoo! ^^
What if they were both??? I use AI tools to get the general things going but details/hands/eyes and "intricate" positions have to be made by hand. I will make a 'course' for everyone who wants to create their games without having an art degree to get there while maintaining decent results.
Take care!
It is a lot of back and fourth depending on the time I have left for animating.. Yep some old Sprites turn out to be animated in later updates and it's sort of a cycle. I'm experimenting and trying to find a good balance on how I can be most effective. This is so time consuming (I wish there was like 50 hours in a day xD). I'm learning a lot on how to go about game dev with this project.
Thank you! Amazing comment and player ^^
Thank you so much, I don't think you all are ready for what's in store, our lead writer is making tremendeous work so that we have a true narrative/story going!
Yep, and as mentioned in the latest devlog I will remove Albedo's voice just for conveniency. It is AI/TTS as we do not have voice actors for now.. I tried finding a middle ground.
Hey, do not be ashamed! You have a question so no worries! Russian has not yet appeared sadly.. We are focusing on bringing more content for now. You should check the latest DevLog for a quick temporary fix for translations if you are on pc!
Latest devlog:
If you have any other questions do not hesitate and please do not feel ashamed whatsoever!
Take care!