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A member registered Feb 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for the input!!! ill definitely keep these bugs on my list when I come back to it! ^-^ thank you again!

Ay we're all learning here, I added you btw ^-^

I only know how to do basic movement so you already surpassed me, haha. Sure! whats your full discord name with the numbers attached? Ill  invite you to our discord

Hi! my name is Mimi and I'm a 2D/3D artist primarily who tries to do lots of other things but not as well ( scripting, sprite art, animation, and music as well ) I'm working with 2 other artists who primarily do character designs and animation while the other works on backgrounds and assets. 

We're looking for someone who can code/program/script in unity for a 2D game. 

Yume nikki, corpse party, silent hill, and many more games like this are what we are inspired by :).

Im a 2D/3D artist who can help with concepts and animation if you guys need :)

here's what I'm working on right now to get a feel of my work :

Hi! Im a 3D/2D artist looking for a team ! :) I worked on a few teams before and I can work with git to import assets. Mostly wanting to work on a 2D game if anyone is interested! Here's a preview of what im working on right now to get an idea for what I make, I made the skybox/background as well :

hi! my name is mimi and I have worked on a few games before but have only joined jams a couple of times. I can create 2d and 3d assets, rig and animate them. I would like to work with people who just really need art assets out and know what they need.  Some of my work can be found here

Im better with 2D, although I have a style in 3D that is flat and cell shaded to look like 2D :0. Makes things easier for animation, but I'm down for either.  Although I never made a game with 2D assets yet aside from just hand colored textures :x. my dcord is MimiraPhantom#1344

I'm a 3D artist that'd be willing to help with character/prop assets who would like to join, if needed. :)