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A member registered Sep 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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That's a bug with Joiplay I think. 

That should be random...might be just your bad luck. I'll check.

You have to follow up with another Quest after finding the Statue. Check the town notice board. "Sly FOX"

Are you using an old save file?

I thought it would be stupid to have her naked portrait around when Baroness Xavier is in the house. So I had it removed to the Attic :D

Yes, as a matter of fact there is a new character called sister Gerardine who you can add to your party. She has healing magic.

Thank you for the kind words.
Magic will be available to the MC in later updates. You will get to choose which Magic type you want to master. 

New updates won't work properly due to changes to some mechanics so if you encounter some problems you might have to restart with a fresh save.

did you start a fresh save?

the Black Sword of Death is the easiest one. it's lying on a pedestal in the Southeast Hall the one where there is two chests and it's guarded by a Death Wraith

Then that's what's causing the problem. 

That's a bug on android devices, are you using an Emulator app?

there is no problem with the dismantling, I tested them. 

you probably don't scroll down enough to see the exit option

which one? the Capital or the Arbor blacksmith?

you just need an awesome bow, which you can find at the Capital Blacksmith

if you're on PC use the X key

if you're playing on android, usually a double finger tap is the back key, it might work as a backspace.

I'll see what I can do

have you tried a double finger press?

at fountains, if you want it for the lava cave, there is a pool of water there

Are you playing with an emulator?

This bug usually occurs with emulators I've disabled some plugins to avoid this bug on android versions

That mission is not yet doable since there is only 1 Naagi in the world and that's the direwolf

best works with Winrar

you probably have missed one or two

because it's work in progress and isn't finished yet!

Origins is a WIP quest, it's not yet finished and it will take probably until the end of the game to reveal Miles' origins

I'm glad you like the game.

What do you mean by Gossiper?

To date Nalla you have to talk to her on the weekends at her residence, you will also need a picnic basket and have already found the dating spot.

Sunny is the Rabbit girl standing next to the roulette guy. And yes you can, if you play his wheel until Miles mentions it's rigged and then come back at night and rig the wheel yourself.

remember the save slots 1 and 2 are used for autosave 

are you on PC?

try renaming the savefiles to the destination file names

no, it's a new item


have you tried the crate outside the item shop?

the circle with the shapes? it's PAW - CROWN - TIDES

the game is really not intended for mobile devices, some bugs are not in the PC version and it's not related to the programming. So sorry I can't help you in this regard. 

have you tried the summoning stone?

thanks for reporting this

that quest is a work in progress

the swamp unlocks by following the missing child quest. Check the walkthrough.

might be  a bug, I have to check.