Ms. Casey told me that my outtie achieved all endings of Sunset Park :)
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My team barely got our submission in (3 seconds left according to itch) so you can imagine our game didn't get the most thorough QA review. We'd like the opportunity to fix some control issues but since this is a judged jam, I'm not sure if we're allowed to update our game. We're fine if the first submission build is what gets judged.
Thank you!
Thanks! I just pushed an update that improves performance on browser and Android. Also got some bugs fixed, including a pretty game-breaking one on Android that resulted in the screen not loading properly. I also noticed that Godot 4 doesn't run great without hardware acceleration in the browser so I've put a note on my page about that too.
Thought it was a cute and simple yet very effective. I like the alpaca game mechanic and the use of the soccer ball. The physics was satisfying . I really like the animations and effects ,especially when the ball hit the apples and would have a sort of bounce. When I would drop the ball and it would fly down, I would still get points if it hit the apples on the way down. They felt like accident points not earned, I would have liked it to not count once I drop the ball and it comes flying down. I would also explore the visual narrative more and have more cohesion as to why apples and soccer to have more cohesion. Really enjoyed the game!