Boring boring boring waste of time no fun....
Recent community posts
Ah thank you np you don't use many wip, or placeholders in your updates that are not completed in the next so it is cool, lol just threw me off seeing locked with no mission. I will be looking forward to the update :) I am already super excited for the 1.60 you mentioned with a lot more coming for a couple underused girls so yay!
Awesome concept not good execution though no control over stuff you unlock to replay, massive cock block paywall shit really sucks, way to much grind click response lag, the cooldown on guess is so dumb, art is really good could be cool with more ease of access was implemented like a click system on pre unlocked stuff to replay or re-equip I hated having to repeat type a fav form stupid. I know that it can be made better seen way better controls on similar games. Can not rate more the 2/10 for now the paywall and slow grind brings down the plus side of the current state.
Still way to slow on movement wit no run/sprint. Images are good and I like the new meter, one suggestion is a aoe radius around the player so when your out of sight from others the meter gain is half or lower the gain, Bug taking 4 pics on one girl only gives 1 pic to sell b/s for the price the guy pays. Hooker that dose not give oral sex or anal really!? sorry that is just lazy will boost rating still kind of fun to collect images, seriously is way to slow and annoying to do however.
Not sure if it will happen but love the design of the Infiltrator you make with Nimhe would like it if she could craft more of them and galaxina to put on arcade bots and scenes for them it quality control. Not sure if its worth the work but would be cool also would like it if Nimhe would stop making gen1 parts after her tech is high gen2-3 is fine prefer gen 3 for arcade though. I also had a thought if possible to be able to change the shell on your personal bot with any of them but I know you would have a massive amount of work to do that so its just a thought to consider if you want :) thanks for the help again and keep up the good work.
I have a suggestion for you to consider is you do add a another update. I think it would be nice if you add lewd custom changes for the rest of the crew not just T'Ris so that the crew can all fit with the captains uniform. I personally would also like to see the last crew room get a female member maybe a cook or someone for the armory. Also would love more adult stuff on the crew the pirate girl and princess feel forgotten with the little attention you gave them :)
Awesome game. A few tweaks I seen could make it better makes no sense to always have to get T'Ris drunk for sex after the first time should be a regular thing. I would rather the adult content be a little quicker to much grind for stats with the caps on each unlocked quest line. Love that the princess from your last game is in it she has an unique design I like your render art is 10/10 for me. I do like to use console commands anyway you would please give a basic idea of how to increase sluttiness, reputation, notoriety ect and the proper store.??? text to add items to the shops list or ship storage. ones posted online are b/s and wrong lol they give error text in consol.
Can you any helpful link to the way you put in stored date?
I can normally use a save reader and figure it out easy but you did it so different none of the common store.something.something=this or using _ in place of the second . neither versions work. my game locked the gallery 8 image fully loaded after I completed it and the gallery stayed locked I got the next ones though after she opens her mouth its locked out from repeating. wanted to just console unlock it but can not figure out the code nothing I tried works. the money code or more is the only one working everything else changes nothing, the give item ones do not.
I play a lot of adult games on this site during demo and check back on public releases. Other then slow burn titles that take forever to update and games that never add the content in the next update I never see the dev put (wip) or (coming soon) in them. I don't mean to offend you, my honest opinion from the experience I have from games I followed is the dev's rarely add them soon if at all. I know you think different maybe you are working on all that wip stuff and it will come next. I play a game when it updates that still has a (wip) tag in the same place it was on the demo and this game is 10+ updates now. Hope you do add wip stuff first and finish out the 4 women story you have in the story now, before adding 4 more girls half done and forgetting to finish any of the wip there are now.
Yeah just like the WIP all over everything seems like your just farming sub money on a demo with no real progress or work being put in for that support just clicked this from the update page it needs a lot of attention. WIP place holders are annoying either do the content or don't I hate games that put that shit there and then expect players to wait 2y for it, if they even do add them at all.
I do not need anger management lol I do not want to be a passive pansy who gets bullied and walked all over silently fuck that. They started shit with me could have just down voted my comment and moved on, they chose to be insulting and try to mock me for an opinion the disagreed with. Your doing the same feel good about yourself being a condescending little bully acting like you get to dictate someone else into feeling bad cause you say so?
I am not impressed or scared and def not listening to you so.... Also have no interest in your sad little cult recruitment like what the fuck weirdo not drinking your cool aid. want me to report you for online terroristic brainwashing and recruitment? Back off.
I figure your a pandering cry baby who thinks no one is entitled to an opposing opinion to your own. I disagree you fucking attacked first cunt so stfu about my life its not a factor in my preference, I just fucking dislike the sound of most background music in games. I play a lot in alt tabs while listening to youtube vids, streams, music I want to hear or other stuff. I am blunt and brutal with my opinion its not my problem if you get your feelings hurt by my comments, if you disagree fine hit the down arrow and move on do not start running your mouth like your words law you Assclown.
I know full well how to use my pc volume dumb ass. I don't want to turn down my fucking music from another tab to play the game or have it fucking deafen me on start up with no control! muting the tab is what I did volume control should have 3 options music, effects and voices I would disable the music turn the other 2 to a med level and be happy. Hope this helps raise you IQ a point in common sense if you make a game settings are a fucking basic to put on the main page.
Never said anything about the steam price lol, for what I got it was fair no problem with that. I just gave honest criticism of the content in my opinion. I have tried me and code do not get along I never implied it was easy, if your offended you do better not my fault your games have lots of potential that never gets fulfilled. I just seen your comment basically saying you have no intention of going back and giving any more either, in my opinion if it was just a test with no future then it should have been kept unposted instead of put up as a lame unfinished half ass game. Obviously if its good players will want more from it if you have no interest continuing it or giving it a completion don't share it. I mean in an honest rating its art and potential if done is really good, as it is however and after reading the comments saying its a dead project it goes even lower.
This dev dose a lot of half ass "concept" shit I am starting think that they do not know how to finish any project fully. I mean how much more work would it have really taken to add a finish button and some swallow/cum animation. I seen this in several of the posts on their page very LAZY developer for anyone who cares. I also bought his Cats in heat game on steam< do not expect much better then this game shows in them he is full of crap saying full games will be way better they are still short, lacking content and lazy effort.
I understand your points, however you have not considered revisiting the game knowing the issues and improving it before uploading for players to see your ability. I rate based on what I play not the behind the scenes issues, I tried rpg maker its not easy that I know. I seen a lot of similar rpg maker games and this one is very unpolished, rushed with a lot of stuff missing to improve it. I would have given 1-3 stars based on art and interest if you animated the little sprites to do the stuff in each scene a little instead of just having them stand still -_-
I rated it based on the entertainment I got from playing same with all of them I give 1-2 for enjoyment 1-4 for art, animation, assets, ect and 1-4 for story, plot, mechanics and overall design. I did not find any entertainment in this game and was disappointed in the lack of exploration, mechanics, personalized options/choices, no animations or art, ect. 1/5 thanks to itchio is fair maybe 0 is a little over critical and harsh though only a little, if they had a out of 10 I may have given 2/10 and suggested you put work into a completed update.
As a furry game goes this was 1/10 bad nothing in its a demo I would say short preview having no game play just click options I guess it could get better maybe.... I feel like simulation tag should be removed the games appears to be a option based visual novel so text based is a better one for it.
One big complaint is the smooth skin like style of the life guard with a oil/wet shine wtf is she a furry or a humanoid animal with minimal fur make up your mind that was stupid.
This looks and kind of feels like the older porn bastard flash games, *note those where free with a lot of content. This is almost $10 dollars for the full version just no, not worth that much for what the game is its just Greed. Not a bad game would pay $2 dollars for it maybe its a fun time waster 5/10 rating.
Try doing a game with pokemon like graphics think fire red/ leaf green, the way you make the map and sprites. Make sure if its an Adult game you got Adult content example being oral vaginal anal sex nudity ect ect<<<< and if you need story plot ideas I don't make games but can write pretty good I would be happy to give you some for what you like or are interested in doing. I seen an old pokemorph game in the style that was really fun and furry genre games are lacking good quality ones so that would be a start....
3D graphics need work seen way better in most games like this 3/10 on the quality of them. I like the options they are very limiter though could be tweaked to add more immersion, I also don't like going back to the start over and over again that is stupid connect the damn story over nights or just put in the option to rollback from a bad choice lazy. I think there needs to be more girls in the club and more to do / explore as well.
Over all good concept lots of promise and potential.
This was really interesting, Could do with more choice and options in scenes, activity, Varity to females body style is lacking would like to see more with thinner frames and smaller boobs. Love cheats are available even if they are quite buggy and hit/miss item ones work fine rest don't lol. Dev needs to update the online game more often and make current version more accessible from here not just patron.