I would love to, but unfortunately I have no clue about modern game development - just GFA Basic. If the VCS could run ST games (with emulation), it would be easy. And here in Europe the VCS was never available.
If there is anybody who like to port it, I am all for it ;)
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This would be a great match! I have BeGEMed on my system and I gave it a quick try. The game runs perfectly. But there is a screen on startup that requests "Press Key" - the colour palette after the LOADER program leaves this screen just black. After the keypress the colour palette seems to be set, and everything runs fine - including the game exit.
Amazing game!!!
I love this idea!
One hint on the ATARI ST version: as it is a monochrome game I intuetively tryed it in High-Res mode. And it chrashes without any information. Best add the information that this is an ST-Low game.
That said: this would be an amazing game for this ST High-Res mode! Please make a High-Res version!!! Hahah!
Yes, there is a "hidden exit":
In the main menu while you are on "START GAME", go to the RIGHT. An new menu point will appear: "EXIT". This will bring you back to GEM. This is the same for FROGS.
(Hint: If you have a party and want to avoid people exiting the game accidentally, open "DATA/LEVEL0.DAT" in an text editor and set the parameter "EXT:" to "OFF")
Thanks for the clarification. Yes! I can reproduce it in TOS2.06!
I also had a quick look into the code and see nothing that jumps out to me that could cause that at this moment.
My first thought is: Laserball was written and compiled with an older version of GFA Basic - it was before I was even aware of newer versions. Maybe this old version of GFA comes from a time before TOS2.06 and therefore causes issues???
Bringing this old code to a newer version of GFA to check that point is a big task. So it is unlikely I will adress this in the near future.
Going for an older TOS is definitely a good solutiion. Sorry for this.
Update: I re-downloaded the .st and .zip and I tryed to replicate your problem, but to no success. I tyed it in Emulation as I have no access to real hardware right now.
Everything plays fine with standard ST 1MB Ram. 512k Ram just hangs behind the language selection (not what you describe).
The only thing that comes close: If I delete the content of the "data" folder, the game hangs on "laden...". pls make sure all files are copied correctly when you create your floppy.
Ohh! That is a bummer! I need to investigate this. 4 Bombs reffers to an illigal instruction - that should not happen.
Can you give me your system specs?
As you created a disk, I guess you are on real hardware? Standard ST? Do you have 1MB of Ram? All files copied correctly?
Maybe you can help me with a cross-check: if you have the chance, run the same files you copied to your floppy inside an emulator with the same specs as your ST... just to see if it works there or not.
Sidenote: Laserball was the first game that I created when getting back into retro gaming... it is way less sophisticated than my later games, as the core code originates in 1991. So a lot of later stuff is missing in this game.