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Ancient Evil®

A member registered Oct 26, 2018

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Thanks! You too man. Sorry to hear what you went through, but happy to hear you too turning depression into motivation.

It's called Unity. The domain was taken, so they had to go with the domain

Unity has a free version which you can use for commercial releases (until you make 100,000 or more off your game after which you have to get a license.)

I have no experience with other 2D engines. But, Unity is great in my opinion and has a lot of support. I doubt you will run into limitations.
You can find plenty of 2d tutorials on Youtube for example.

Hi! I'm Dominic.

Currently finishing up my first real game. 

Got into game design during a burnout/depression when I finally started to get back some energy.

Got hooked and now readying up my first release (EPICALYPSE™ coming December 24th). 
Would love to get to know fellow game designers.

Hello everybody!

I have just released EPICALYPSE™ - PUMPKINS!, a free Halloween themed promotional game (two levels) for my upcoming full release (EPICALYPSE™) . 

Download it for FREE, here:

EPICALYPSE™ is a twist on the classic brick breaker games.
Can you finish the level fast enough to unlock the madness inducing hardcore levels?
Can you survive hordes of incoming eldritch abominations?
Can you survive the boss fights?
Do you have the reflexes, skills and intelligence to protect us from destruction?

EPICALYPSE™ is currently in development for Windows®
and will be released on December 24, 2018.

EPICALYPSE™ official website
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