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A member registered Jun 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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- You don't buy it on Patreon, its more like renting it per month.
- You get all updates except the in-progress FAFOW DLC here.
- If you pay for the Patreon for one month you get the game for one month you have to stay subscribed if you want to keep getting the updates.

Unfortunately no

We just pushed a fix to that :)

I personally don't consider this scene NTR but i don't want to enter in that argument.
A choice is coming to turn this down.


The game can be over 5 minutes to load the first time, it's quite big

Should be fixed, try again

Can you try with another internet browser?

Can you try with another internet browser?

It happens with renpy games when you use the latest version of the engine, the file is safe.


Can you post the error screen?

Have a date

It will be $6.99

it's not odd at all but the answer is no

A replay gallery is not planned, sorry :)

The game was never free...

Hi :)
- Yes new harems are coming
- No Cassidy will not be part of the office harem
- New girls will be added if our DLC is successful here and on Steam ^^

Apk still working!

Your demo saves should appear in the full game

- You get the android build here, not on Steam.
- Bree MC is already included (that's why it's more expensive)
That's all.

We are working on it.
But this is not something we did to prevent piracy.
The new Android launcher is there because apk (the file format used by Android for applications and games) is limited to 2gb and we passed that a few months back.
We are doing this because the only other choice is to drop Android support.

September :)

That's very weird...
Did you save there ar did you get there from the beginning ?

If this DLC is successful we will create another one ;)

Yes MDR is not finished yet (far from it)

All of the levels have access :)

There is never any unavoidable sharing or pimping in any of my games.
In MDR there is even an option to have all choice that could lead to sharing tagged as such.

The release date outside Patreon for F.A.F.O.W is September 2nd

The Bree DLC will be there when it's finished, the other updates should be there...

Look at this month's update and tell me that again :P

Yes in september

Updates are the last monday of the month

As long as there is a link to Steam/Itch/Patreon with the video you have my permission.


As said multiple times WE CAN'T.
Here's why: apk are limited to 2gb so it's not possible to distribute Love & Sex in one big file anymore.
There are three solutions:
- Dropping support for Android
- Getting Google to update their apk format
- The downloader
The downloader is the only way to keep android support for Love & Sex, we know there are still problems but we are working on it.

(1 edit)

As said multiple times WE CAN'T.
apk are limited to 2gb so it's not possible to distribute Love & Sex in one big file anymore.
There are three solutions:
- Dropping support for Android
- Getting Google to update their apk format
- The downloader
Take your pick.

There is very little sub content for the MC

The android version is not available on Steam as that store does not support Android but it is available here on

You need to have made the correct choices during the chapter