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A member registered Mar 26, 2023

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man, i play this game every week, i loved it! i'm so exited about the coming updates

\O/ yes, update!

Ty, I loved your game and your good work, and you are so nice!

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slay the spire, Night of the Full Moon and others deckbuilding  proves that just because you know what result you want, doesnt mean that there are only one fate combination, but can be many funny ones.

And If you really want to make pure thematic decks, It can also be very tricky, I mean, take the warior hero by exemple:
the player knows  thet he needs to make units fhysically stroger, but how you gonna do this can variate a lot:

you can focus on base heath, or healing, or armor, or on damage and health, or suport, or progressive in-battle growth, or defending the glass cannon with a defensive unit, or groing units mostly with wepons/itens, or with special units that get stronger with numbers. So are you going to bet on many week units because of that special unit? do you prefer bet on the glass cannon + the defender? do you have enough tanks to afford a in-game growth unit? damage with the HP pays the risk? what if there are lots of ranged monsters? are you strong enough to get there with a lot HP?Is It better to use your sacrifice spell to do a big damage with the higth Hp unit or It would be more useful alive?

"Going back to the question,  a deck without many different strategy combinations will suffer that fate pretty quickly. And it's hard to think of ideas to give a deck some "personality" (the "strong" deck, the "summon" deck, the "support" deck, the "magic" deck) without making it feel like you are going for the same strategy every time."

If you want to avoid that fate combination, you can aways add some neltral units, that appear in any deck, also allow, or even make mandatory to combine classes to make your deck.

You could even add a mode that you make your full deck based on in game decisions like this:
tier 1 all neltral/inicial-class, after you get to tier 2 you choose from 2 or 3 differents classes which one do you like to add to your deck, same happens for tier 3 and foward. So you can play with a assassing priest or a mage hunter.

also, you can make some monsters imune to somethings in order to discorage purely focused strategies.

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If you want classes, you can start with some of the classics, like:

A warior, who try to win with brute force HP and Dmg, the combos units and spells would be all incressing those status, or the armor, or someting like that. Like double damage, and than double again. Also some kind of protector, who would take all the ranged damage insted of other units. You can replace magic books by bravery buffs.

A priest that has a lot of healing spells and units. also units with regen, or units and spells that cast suport effects, like a protect, an armor, one restoration of the amunition, haste that make unit move faster, ressurrection, a unit/spell that does damage by the health, not the attack. And for last a holy nova for damage, things like that make a good priest... 

A spelcaster/wizard/witch/mage who ... you know... use magic... and magic units too and combos with magic, like someone who gets stronger everytime you use magic, or a unit that gives back 1 use of magic when it dies, or someone that buff in 1 damage the spells that do damage!

A druid, who transform their units into stroger animals, summon animals and use animals for damage, also poison animals and flying animals. You can replace the magic books by whistle or something to call for animal suport.

A hunter, who mostly use ranged units and ranged itens/spells
you could switch the spells, that traget units, for traps, that traget tiles.

A Barbarian who put everything on offence - units with higth attack, gain rage when less that half hp to hit x2 dmg, rage magic, rage item, itens that gives +attack and - hp, bloodthirsty to give some sustain...

A Bard, who essentialy debuff all the enemies/ buff all the allies. Verry weak units, lots of buffs or debuffs...  switch the magics to songs, dances or something. Maybe everyone doing combos with everyone, would be very diferent for sure.

A thief who steal gold, bribe units, debuf foes and conceal units.

An assassin, who has itens that give double attack, stealth, surprise attack, crit, poison hit, death clock... weak units, but cunning, sneaky, and with tricks. Also, you can switch the magics for tricks.

An aprendice/mimic class, who can use units itens and skills from other classes, but not the strogests, maybe the player could choose which of the tier 2 they want as option or something like that.

The better part is: even if the class wasn't verry balanced, It's ok! it would be still funny to play, some are going to be, naturaly, better and easier that others.

bonus! the classes could have some unique trace, like the necromancer who can win even if she loses all the hearts after beating the king, thats because she is the necromance class and only needs to ressurrect herself after all. 

some fusions would be interesting, like a hero that you can follow 3 paths a pure evolution, a fusion evolution with another hero lv2 or a 2nd fusion with an alternative hero.

or a heroe that get a evolution from a item, or from a magic casted on It.

or a heroe that evolves from killing a monster ou some monster

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I would love to see
Unique bosses like a big slime that divide itself in 2 or 3 everytime its HP reach a half. A big robot that fire laser bean on center to hit every monster you have, on the top and botton you have to destroi It's arms, after that your units from botton and top that survived can join the mid lane. 
Big bosses that uses all the 3 lanes at the same time, attacking and beeing attacked
Bosses would be Awesome!

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I would love to see a world 2 where monters are stroger, more life, more damage. Some of then could summon stronger monsters, or have 1st hit invencibility, or fly! they would be imune to melee damage.
Foes that attack from behind your formation, wizards whose attacks ignore all the armor or invencibility, a troll or something that use a club to do a splash hit. A poison monter, a poisoned big monster. 

other things that would be awesome are quests like: win before turn 9, or win after turn 15, or deal more than 99 damage, or win with all hearts, with all magics upgrated to max...

yes!!! my prayers were heard. 

let me start what Iwould like to play:
new modes!

like a endless mode where the enemies keep geting stronger and stronger.

a mode that you play with magic only.

like a mode that you play like a Tower defence, you get the money and you chose who to buy and the enemies keep coming.

chalenge mode where you already has your team, but you have to maneger how to win, with good positioning your team and the right time use of magic

chalenge mode 2 where you play only 1 level, but you have enough money and a set of units to chose to who you buy.

a mirror mode where you figth against you own units, but you can be smarter than the AI and win in batlle, or in position, or by the better combination.

a mode with restrictions like no buff, or no magic, or no towers

I know i'm beeing greedy here, but, a multiplayer mode would be awesome!

this game is so fluid now! even on normal speed is way better! that's awesome, congrats!

Thank you by the fast foward! I wanted that so mutch


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this game is awesome, but I think It could have more chalenges, quests and why not, more enemies on the late game, maybe a tier 5 and 6. There is so mutch potencial about this game! By the way, I finaly got the last self-imposed quests: finish in less than 9 turns and finis in more than 13 turns

amazing game, you deserve the game of the year, maybe if you improve it more you get it. Congrats!