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Andrew Aulenback

A member registered May 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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The Dandelion, by Don Freeman. A short story about a Dandy lion.

Lovely content as ever.  Well done!

And here is an link for the entire Apawthecaria game!

Update! We have added an appendix file for the Postillion and Wrangler playbooks, exploring possibilities for various domestic bugs across the Haeth.

And see also "Fleas" by Eric Drew, for a veritable goblin market for your tour of the Haeth.

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Nicely done!

For those unfamiliar with the "language" of 1980s text adventures, you can find the manual for this game at and the 1984 guide to this game at
but do be aware that if you read the guide beyond the first dozen pages, it will start to give you clues or outright answers to the puzzles in the game.  Those first dozen pages of the guide should be helpful however, being effectively the "game manual."

Curious about the "lightbulb lizard"?  Here's a bit on the (zoologically) controversial subject.

See also "The Trap" by Jim Murphy, for yet another take on this style of location!

Oh, my word!  Even more books added for inspiration!

Clever!  Nice use of the playbook format to treat boats as characters of their own.

And the very earliest beginnings of a third collection of titles:

Standing on the Shoulders of Giant Bugs, by Cowen Weeks.  A memoir by a thoughtful poet.

Mist Again, by Cowen Weeks. A collection of travel poems written in and about the community of Brokart Falls.

And yet another update, of even more books to inspire your bibliobug's collection.

Lovely!  A strong sequel to Down The Wandering Road.  Nicely done, you both!

This looks lovely! A really cute Lasers & Feelings hack! Nicely done.  

This is one of my favourite third-party Wanderhome pieces.  The Star Signs are well crafted, and easily fit any Wanderhome game.  Definitely check it out.  Well worth it.

Want an idea for what your Bibliobug could have been up to during the Rebellion?

Though admittedly, his archaeological methodology was ... terrible.  Yours is better

Ha!  The games on the road are a lovely pick list for every group of Wanderhome players, on top of this being a solid playbook as a whole. Everyone should give this a read for that alone. And THEN another read for the rest!

Ooh!  A lovely parallel (an inverted one) to Eric D's Unlandean!  Evocative and well thought out.  A very nice playbook!

Oh!  So here the Wrangler is very practical in their understanding of bugs, while the Lepidopterist by First Officer Rose is very scientific in their understanding, instead.  The two playbooks pair off nicely!

For those starting to browse this playbook, note that the bugs in the picklists are an excellent excuse to research!  Learning so many things!

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A chance to fill some broad brush-strokes between your locations, to set up themes for parts of or all of your game's extended story ("campaign" in other games), and a chance to explore local variations of YOUR game's larger legends and history, with enough reminders to ensure the details don't get lost in the larger picture.  A definite thumbs-up from me.

Some playbooks that might be especially interested in this bit of story:
The Prognosticator
The Uprooted
The Tax Collector
The Orchardist

Long before Scotch tape and lamination impeded the efforts of archivists and researchers to access unique information in a document, a whole world of fasteners existed to help hold documents together. In celebration of American Archives Month the Pieces of History blog hosted a series of posts on the history of the various fasteners and seals found in records at the National Archives. 

Holding It Together: A Seal—Or Not?

Holding It Together: Ribbons in NARA’s Records

Holding It Together: Before Passwords—Ribbons and Seals for Document Security

Holding It Together: From Red Tape to Grommets

Holding It Together: From Pins to Paper Clips

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Inspired of course, by late 1980s gothic television adventure:

The Hidden Almanac, an inspiring podcast for any Prognosticator.

Gandalf and Saruman, Professor X and Magneto…

Looking for a deck to make use of for Wanderhome?  Might I recommend this one?

Where O where might a Wrangler stop by to be briefly among others of like mind and habit? Or where to meet their next buggy friend?  How about a Ranch:

Where O where might a Postilion stop by to have their buggy companions tended to? Or where to look at aquiring more bugs for the team?  How about a Ranch:

Although having the carnival telling stories of the war in puppet shows, theatricals, and even games and sideshows, could be very suitable, I think. Telling the same stories as the battlefields, but in a very different way. 

want a resource to “solo play” some background for your Physik, or to inspire some ailments and ingredients?  Have a look at the free playkit for Apawthecary at

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Wizards of the Coast is trying to catch up to you! Heh!

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Looking for a buggy companion for your prognosticator?

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Keeping an eye on the kith around you...

Other animal options?  Well, how about Groundhog, for American players, or Sheep for European players, or Elephant for African players, or... there are so many animals that we humans claim can predict the weather or the seasons.

Perfect for playing a small and forgotten god, of the botanical sort.

Looking for a good choice of Boon Companion on your journey?  A buggy theme easily combines the Postilion playbook with the Wrangler:

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Looking to expand the library-ness of your story?  Look at adding a home branch with this Library Nature by trouser_mouse:
and this home-branch librarian playbook, by the same:

And yet another Library Nature, in French and in English, at