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A member registered Sep 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hello everyone, if there is somebody here! I'm back, and I'm gonna change this game a lot, to the game I originally envisioned, stay tuned...

Not right now, but I'm gonna change this game a lot, and will see in the future

No at the moment, but there will be great amount of change to the game

Hello, I've sent you a email :)

Thanks for the info! 

Forgot to test it with wine myself...

Hello again, Robert!

My game with your art is finally done, and I have credit you on the download page.

Here's a link:

I just wanted to thank you for creating such amazing art and giving it for free, without it my game wouldn't exists, you are really great man!

My email is, please contact me because I want to send you a free copy of the game :)

(1 edit)

I do have a Twitter account, but I didn't upload anything yet. 

My username on Twitter is master_compiler or you can just search Andrija Skupinski.

I would love to get in contact with you so I can send you images of the game, and full game when it's done.


Hi Robert! First of all I want to thank you for this amazing tileset, it is really great. Second of all, I'm working on a game using this tileset, the game is already halfway through deployment and I want to credit you, so should I give the link to your profile page or do you have some other profile/page link to credit you with?