did you get this mod using which gacha mod as a base? this is showing
translation: cancel / Update
when it appears this is because the creator used some existing gacha or gacha club mod as a base

Ryo por favor verifique isso com urgência!!
So I'll try to explain what's going on with the mod on my phone
Some strange bugs are happening in some items, like that new cat's tail, whenever I put it on it keeps bugging the image keeps cutting and mixing with another item and there are some items that just keep cutting when we approach the Oc
I made a video playing it, but the audio is in my language which is in Portuguese
Feliz Natal pessoal!!
eu amei esse mod, ele ta muito fofinho, so achei meio estranho no começo pois ele não tem aquele negócio de degrade nos olhos e o sombreado no pescoço e em algumas brusas/camisas, mais tudo bem
com Certeza esse é o primeiro mod de Gacha que não tira nada do original ( eu acho que não foi tirado nada 😆😆 )
Merry Christmas guys!!
I loved this mod, it's very cute, I just thought it was a bit strange at first because it doesn't have that thing with the gradient in the eyes and the shading in the neck and in some brushes/shirts, but that's ok
This is definitely the first Gacha mod that doesn't take anything from the original ( I don't think anything was taken 😆😆 )
the mobile version are these last two download options
Gacha Redux Option 1
Gacha Redux Opt 2.apk
and just press download, as a precaution I recommend downloading the two links right away then you try one by one, one of them will take your cell phone
(if it appears that your device is not compatible unfortunately there is not much you can do)
the mobile version are these last two download options
Gacha Redux Option 1
Gacha Redux Opt 2.apk
and just press download, as a precaution I recommend downloading the two links right away then you try one by one, one of them will take your cell phone
(if it appears that your device is not compatible unfortunately there is not much you can do)
the mobile version are these last two download options
Gacha Redux Option 1
Gacha Redux Opt 2.apk
and just press download, as a precaution I recommend downloading the two links right away then you try one by one, one of them will take your cell phone
(if it appears that your device is not compatible unfortunately there is not much you can do)
Tem Uma Gachatuber No YouTube Que Tem Ideias Incríveis De Roupas Pro Mod, Talvez der Pra Você Colocar
Canal Dela
( Eu Também Posso Ajudar Com Design)