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A member registered Feb 19, 2020

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Congrats on a completed game.

It is incredible how far this has come from those early builds. Amazing work all round.

Nice spread of achievements. Surprising number that I cannot immediately guess the unlock for.

Kinda meh on the two ending variations. The situation on Earth has always been by far the least interesting part of the game for me.

"Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana" This is dumb, as you can make items infinite.

Calling an idea dumb is not the way to engage in discussion, it gives the impression you are only interested in being insulting rather than improving the game.

As to the actual point, infinite items can be changed.

Expanded suggestion: Remove the current infinite items system. Add the option to dismantle items for gold and mana. Once you have dismantled enough of a specific item you get a blueprint that allows you to spend gold and mana to make new ones.

Haven’t gone deep yet but here are my initial thoughts:

Curios in general are good. But some are rather disappointing. Primarily the ones where there is no good outcome, aside from perhaps leaving. There are some with ‘X% chance’ which I would love to see more of. A lot of the appeal of rogue-lite games is calculated risk and cost-benefit. You have a chance of something good so you take the risk, rather than just having to brute-force discover which options are entirely negative. The idea is great but more work is required.

Quests in early game are just a tutorial, which is fine.

Personalities… take a long time to become relevant. The class rework likewise.

Not a new thing but the update has highlighted it for me: the way gear works sucks.

At present there is essentially no point in ever deliberately equipping anything or keeping gear over gold and mana. Most non-cursed items are marginal and many cursed items are crippling. It simply isn’t worth paying any attention to item rewards rather than development quests. And the risk of getting a ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ abomination makes every equip a gamble with replacing your developed adventurer with a raw novice.

Suggestion: Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana. It will at least give a reason to try and gather items, even if they are cursed as it will eventually give some reward.

Side note: The ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ items continue to be an enjoyment killer. At this point I just dismiss any adventurer that gets such an item because getting to level 3 with any class is a massive undertaking and it is genuinely easier to just start from scratch rather than try to uncurse the girl.

Good to hear that combat and exploration are getting a reword. Suppose this is what I get for playing games still early in development with a bunch of placeholder content.

It is fare to worry about overly complex combinations. However I don’t really see a need for that, it is fine if all the major transformations override rather than combine. The issue is more that 1) you will only get transformed outside of a bad end by deliberately using a transformation item and 2) there doesn’t seem to be all that much impact from being transformed. Or from being any particular race. At the moment it is almost entirely cosmetic. Hope to see more dynamic interactions in future builds.

Very impressive. Interesting story concept. Innovative gameplay, although comes a bit close to the line between challenging frustration and waste of time in a couple of places. Art are writing are solid. I look forward to the full game.

Nice and short game. Love the reveal you get for losing against the boss but not giving up. Mechanics are solid.

Good idea. Mostly good execution. Shame about the bugs.

Review: Hate the escape sections. Combat is in the annoying place where getting the lewd parts mean you have basically lost. Art is good.

Review: Decent for what it is.

  • Art is good.
  • Writing is solid.
  • Combat is dull and repetitive.
  • Almost all transformations seem to be bad ends rather than something you get to play with, which is disappointing.
  • The exploration being RNG based is slightly annoying but the rate seems reasonable.

Overall a good concept that must needs to be expanded more.

Good to see more content.

Your previous game had a way to skip content the player wasn’t comfortable with. Will there be something similar to turn off things like parasites and pregnancy?

Seems the game updated the day after I downloaded, sorry for pointing out stuff you already fixed.

The cursed classes don’t need to be outright negatives, but having the same ‘power with drawbacks’ as cursed items is viable. And it lets you make them a bit more thematic. Examples:

Prisoners might give one damage resistance if they are wearing any locked gear, but reduce item durability by five percent. So they are stronger when imprisoned but more likely to end up in that position. Maid levels could give a tiny heal whenever a debuff is removed but slightly reduced resistance to debuffs, so they are better maids but worse every other class. That sort of thing.

(Intended for this to be a review but the review window doesn’t let you paste text into it.)

An impressive start. Clearly still WIP but the foundation is solid. Art is simple, but abundant and consistent. Gameplay is a little grindy but that might just be the current lack of content.

Couple of issues:

Don’t know if it is a bug or an unexplained mechanic but sometimes after a battle the party order gets randomised.

No curios spawned except for in the tutorial, yet you can still waste money buying curio-interacting equipment.


Prisoner (and other force-class) gear should be easier to unlock, but also easier for enemies to apply. Have it so you only need to complete one development quest to remove, but only need one or maybe two (one for novice / adept, two for veteran+?) pieces to get forced into the class. And possibly have enemies apply equipment passively when they hit a low-durability target. That makes it an ongoing thing to manage rather than a straight ‘this character is now a prisoner for the foreseeable future’.

Have each level of a class provide some permanent benefit rather than just the last. And display what static benefits having a class active provides. This also ties into the above as you can have Prisoners, maids etc have negative permanent effects that characters would slowly accumulate as they are forced to learn the cursed classes.

Cursed items should stay uncursed. If you are going for a ‘powerful but with drawbacks’ approach rather than just having them but trash to get rid off then making them as swappable as other equipment once ‘earned’ will help a lot.

Related to something on the roadmap: Ponies giving more inventory space is extremely powerful. A good chunk of the game will be farming runs and even on novice level it is very rate to finish a run before running out of inventory. Consider either expanding the base inventory so one extra slot isn’t so powerful or scrapping ponies giving more space, unless you want 90% of teams to be three ponies and one healer.

There are two ways to take a lack of bug reports. The first is that people haven’t been playing much and thus haven’t found many of the bugs. The second is that you have managed to squash most of the bugs and there aren’t many to find.

Myself, I prefer optimism.

It might not be glamorous or exciting, but polishing out typos and bugs is as critical to development as new content.

Promising developments. Sci-fi isn’t something I seek out but the art looks good.

Changing the combat dynamics for the zone should be interesting. Keep things fresh during a play-through.

Futa content? Personally I have no strong feelings on the topic. I do however caution that getting bogged down in too much optional content, particularly the time and effort intensive art, will tank development speed.

Quality of life is always good, as are fixes.

Perhaps not my place to say but have you considered putting this up on more sites? Try to reach a wider audience? As your game is free you wouldn’t lose anything by using TF Games or F95zone.

An ambitious game to be sure. What content there is, is high quality. And if the map is anything to go by there will eventually be a whole lot of game.

Side note, is the Knightess art’s lack of collar deliberate or just a matter of
artwork limitations?

Ran into a bug, when I try to hand in the Engagement Ring I get an error. Specifically:


Cannot set property ‘_status’ of undefined

Looks exceedingly promising.

  • Transformations that aren’t just Bad Ends.
  • Transformations that aren’t so avoidable as to be voluntary.
  • Modular character model. (I know just enough about art to know this is heckin hard to pull off.)
  • Meaningful gameplay.
  • Lewd art integrated into gameplay. (Rather than gated behind losing/winning.)
  • Bimbo content.

Consider me hyped.