Oh okay cool! I got it opened, thank you :)
Recent community posts
Hello :) and my week was stressful since I'm dealing with like school related stuff like transferring, etc*sigh* >-<
I hope you feel better soon! The chibi art is soooooo adorable ahhh! <3
Also sometimes taking a break can help give you guys time to just relax and take in new potential inspirations around you. Hope you guys don't overwork yourselves.
Ooh the achievement icons and such look cool :) also my week was ehh. Honestly, lately I've been having trouble with getting motivation *sigh* but other than that I hope all is well for you! Even if you didn't make much progress on Nusantara Bermuda but that's okay, you were working on Steam and stuff.
Hello SweetChiel,
Yay! I'm glad that the writing and everything is coming along. Also yes I agree that Corpse Party gives me the chills too lol. Anyways, just wanted to stop by and say keep up the good work and I live for your updates c'x
Have a good rest of your day and Happy Halloween at the time I am posting this comment hehe :3
I stan your updates and it's fun talking to you even if they are very brief c'x
Anyways, congrats on your progress! :D I hope you're able to take a little break here and there during the week.
And yeah I think it's fair enough, if the platform (in this case Steam) has that regulation and since it is a commercial site which is cool for making a little extra cash on the side then $5 isn't breaking the bank for people who want to play the game through there
Hello! I'm currently playing the game and even though I'm not that far into the game, overall I am loving the concept and the minigame-esque part where we get to make the schedules for ourselves as well as the princes so that was cool :) I know that you just released this but I was wondering if you know if you're gonna make the full game be free or will it have a price tag?
Oof I don't like bad endings either since I'm one of those people that lowkey actually care for the characters and I don't want them to suffer 😅🙈 so i wish you good luck to writing the remaining bad endings
Also I agree with both the previous comments. I think if you think that recruiting a new proofreader would be beneficial then go for it. Definitely think this could be something to ask the remaining proofreader how they feel and maybe they'll know someone who would be interested in becoming a proofreader.
I hope everything works out and I hope this week for you goes well too!