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A member registered Aug 25, 2021

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i wonder if they were actually carrot people or if alice is just hallucinating and she has killed her parents

really like this and the ideas are really creative and it really helps if i have no idea what to do .although i do wish we could save ideas and pallets say if i found a pallet i really liked but i thought the idea didn't fit with it i could save the colour pallet and then come back to it once i found an idea i thought would fit? also what do the buttons on the side do? or do they just make the funky lil noises :}

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this is super cute . i have only gotten the good ending up to now but ill try playing another playthrough

edit:just got all endings and found out theres technically 2 good ends i got baphomets love 1st then died then baphomets friendship :] 

i love this game so much ^^ alan seems like a sweetheart ( a bit creepy tho) and i love the visuals of the game <3 cant wait if you ever make a full ver or an updated ver of the demo 

hey sorry to bother but would you mind posting a new link? its fine if not ^^

loved the game(up to now) i really like all the games from NomnomNami cant wait for the next update!

i had to play this game i just had to and i loved it. it was so sweet :)

yeah! this made alot more sense for me :3 also i hope we can become friends too ^^

ah okay . and also im sorry D: i dont hate you its just im tired of people online sometimes im sorry if it made you upset ! 

... i have no words listen sorry for being agressive but saying sorry if good enough for me ^^  seriously im just glad you understood your mistake :)

you know what shut up all you have done is being RUDE i would have been fine if you wouldnt have told me to SHUT UP and call me DUMB but no like i said idk what it is but i can only use ONE act for each cat THE ATTACKS DONT HIT HALF OF THE TIME and if i do decide to attack then i cant us acts after. :/ u could have just been polite and calm but no you had to use all caps (showing an aggressive tone) and throwing insults at me and other people and HALF of them didnt even ask for help let alone your help. also you dont have to use caps when telling me to "use the wiki" SEE!! se how EASY it is not to use caps when saying that. listen im guessing you may have just signed into so you could play this ( based of user and how long youve been on here for ) but not everyone who played this has i didnt even know it had a wiki!! and quite frankly the comment that i made was FOUR MONTHS AGO i played it a few times after but then i stopped because it wasnt as interesting and yet you still replied and was rude !! you need to calm down and leave people alone! and istg if you reply to this saying "JUST USE THE WIKI" or "JUST USE ACTS OMG SHUT UP" i will scream because i am not asking for help i never did! you should have just left it alone and helped people who asked and dont proceed to scream at people unhelpful tips 

I've just played it again (not the full thing of course) and its still exactly the same acts don't help at all and most of the attacks miss or you cant even hit

but it isn't i don't know if its because i played the game 4 months ago or the laptop im using but most of  the attacks and acts miss or do nothing 

looking through all the comments you made replying on other peoples comments even thought they are being calm and collected yes you are being a little rude maybe don't use caps and try to explain to them that it may be easier to use acts :] and try not to insult them it is just a game after all and they can say that they are struggling or even give feedback / criticism as long as it constructive unlike your criticism when replying to the people who are having problems

also why did you need to be aggressive I'm just suggesting making the game more balanced I'm not screaming at them nor am i throwing swearwords at people online you don't seem to be the creator/creators ,which i would understand the agressive tone alot more if you were as it must get annoying, but still there is no nedd to argue when i am making a suggestion and i am not telling them that they have to or their game will be bad because its not like i said its cute it has a unique style and i really like the vibe its just the battles can get a bit tricky and the attacks have a high chance of missing and the acts do little in the way of help.

but you cant always act and sometimes it doesn't even do anythin

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its really laggy and super hard to play :( also whats the point of the flags since they arent checkpoints so there isnt any use for them

holy mother of lord i was not expecting that i should have heeded the warning of the fact there was a HIDE control but no

holy shit i dont know why but Derek makes me feel something . honestly one of my favourite erotic games on here and its the only text based game i actually like . its a really good game :

oh okay :] thank you ,a bit disappointed i wont be able to play the full version yet (using a school computer rn so i cant download anything) but from what ive seen i cant wait it looks amazing and the story is very interesting !

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hey uh i got an error and idk if it was an actual error or not

this was really fun to play :D

ahh alright then thank you for telling me ^^

question is there a different outcome if chi goes home without looking for her dog or can she actually even do that? :

its super cute and all but when it comes to the actual battle is a bit confusing and frustrating as instead of being turn based both cats can attac at once and if one cat has a paw attack but the opponent cat  has a throw attack then the players cant cant fight back which isnt fair ive also noticed that the cats on the players side that do have throw attacks miss their attacks alot more then the enimies which isnt fair either! maybe try and make the game more balanced ?

still love this type of artSTYLE (pardon the pun) even tho its 2021