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A member registered Aug 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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would also like and eng version of this please




words can not sum up abiut how i feel about this game BUT to put it mildly: i love it.

someone below me said it. when she is on her way to hit you puunch her and that stuns her.

could anyone say how to defend from leasile sword attack

i was trying to get the bad ending by not going on the teo event on day 3. i don't think it triggered tho it just led into a new day.

hello. thank you so much for updating this game! i have a problem tho. i am on a mac and every time i try to play day 4 or rather 3.5 the game crashes and gives an error that it can't find day four

hello, thank you for the advice btw i followed it and it helped a lot.  the way i did it was to first focus on finding the witch then romancing the ladies. i still don't understand what the imprisonment mech does tho. i thought it made it so no one can have an alibi with them but it seems that isn't the case? in the end it boiled down to guessing and it seems the witch roates in a pattern so its not as random as i thought. anyway thank you very much for the advice this game has grown on my so much. ALSO THE LORE OF THE prince atleast to me is so funny. like bro just forgot about his childhood friend and he don't even bat an eye. lmao he is so dum.

sorry i need more help for finding the killer. I CAN NOT FIGURE IT OUT FOR THE LIFE OF ME! i use james clues i get it wrong. i try and talk to the ladies there's a limit of three. i don't know what to do anymore. i read most of the comments here that once i get the hang of it i will figure it out. PLEASE I NEED MORE HELP THAN THAT. i don't mean to be rude but please ;(

you say its inspried by btd. is it going to follow the same plot cuz i love the red and white haired guy.

i love it plus all the comments mc made made my think twice about what they mean. will recommend

pretty sure you download the files and put them in the folder named "game". Then save and close the game and re-open it it should be there unless you already passed the step. if it doesn't work I am wrong. good luck

Thank you. Please rest well.

For one i am on a mac, two it says thats i should check the console for errors but i can't make heads or tails from it and the link to java you gave downloaded but couldn't open. My unziper is the unarchiver. thank you very much!

sorry can I have a guide on how to enable it? I am running into some errors. I look forward to the update!



tldr: I love this game too much. I don't like to type too long sentences but please do note I do adore and this game and Milo (Milo is my love). do you have any plans to update? imo the MC isn't my cup of tea I don't like how they sometimes hurt him are there other ways we can get a happy ending also poor ryn(I don't remember his name)

Question: how do I find the easter eggs? I have only seen one  I think it started with Da?

I played using mac Sonoma the game ran well. just tell the computer to run it by force

looking forward to it! :D

This isn't a game.....or is it?

it says I can't open it. That it is damaged if it helps I am on a mac

if it isn't Crowe then oh no I don't want sol to kill anyone.

i doubt it cuz there is a reason its there after all


I don't know what to say but thank you for making this game !!

what does it mean?

(1 edit)

i think there is an inconsistency in [SPOILERS]

when Albert talks about the curse he says "They go insane if they are not treated or leave the island" THEN SENDS HER AWAY FROM THE ISLAND. I think it should have been "Unless they are treated or leave the island they go insane"

ok nevermind I was just bad BUT I found them now so yippie

HELP! Are there more than 2 cgi currently or am I just bad? i want to see more of sol, please :)

Thank you very much for the demo did I say how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE SOL cuz I do very much.

i am sorry but i really want to play this game will you add a mac version anytime soon?

me too. it was the first ending I got


are you still aiive?

mac pls

if it makes you feel better I would like to support you 100%. Since this is your baby after all.