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A member registered Oct 23, 2021

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That is one of the things some people complain about (in my opinion foolishly) but I think is nice in what Moonbox is doing.  Let things take the time they need.  Allie (nana) is going to take some time same as Polly, they might cave for a carnal act but their character would then rebel later at the long term relationship.  But people like Veena, Sandra or Karen want the sudden relationship so could be in one encounter. 

lol and then there is the cult of el pene de diablo  they only needed a glance ;).  But like I was saying even though it is an AVN/porn game I like the fact that things take the time they need to not feel overly rushed

Polly needs time to trust and decide what she wants.  Right now it would be too forceful and in the real world hurt her in long run

Oh and a pet names thing for the girl and theirs for the mc

lol yeah I missed it. Not bad could use some interface and info update. Fun idea is a fun fact or quote from them. Maybe more levels of relationship or affection but then again I haven't looked at the code of the game to see if anything like that is tracked or if it's just a yes no gate.  What you have is still more than I can do. Your render and story keep us all coming back for more

One of the reasons i think a bios doc or tab in game would be nkce. You can forget the names because there are a few of them and sometimes its a bit before we see them again.

It could even be like a gallery option or ingame stats check with name stats (number of times xyz, measurements, etc preg/not preg/in birth control) relationship and like a fun fact (hated blueberry pancakes, fan of trashy scifi paperbacks etc) maybe we just alpha it with name measurements and fun facts. Later uodates with the more complicated code of tracking things for the if than based on game decisions...says the non game programer

v.25: Love the new addition in soon to be just Miss lee and deepening your involvement with some past characters (Sevetlanna and our cop dom who I hope allows for switch play as they get closer).  General tightening of the group is also nice too see.  Keep threading that needle of plot, relationship deepening, and new additions.  Always worth coming back for...I kinda check almost too regularly for updates lol.

Most likely we will see more of the family of them and perhaps the soon to be divorcee our mc bought a car least if we risked putting a bun in the oven.

well we always want more :)

it was a mod on my save, updated mod and runs fine.

getting errors when I try and load the game from 0,4.  Anyone else getting that?

wait is Lilly Celine?

oooooh lol funny .  didn't even think of that .

ahh yeah he needs to replay part 1...

Why am i not remembering there being quintuplets. Who were they again?

Enjoyed this update even if Jamila is playing hard to get just a little lol. So close.  Lots of fun progress and the girls getting closer together.  Love to see in the past couple of updates that our little short stack and redheaded pet come by their...intense natures honestly.  :)  Fun advancements all around.

  Another bit of fun from the characters would be our MC earning the trust or respect of our police officer to the point she would allow power switch play (taking turns who is dom/part of the play if fighting for the dom and trusting the other to ebb and flow it)

haven't downloaded yet, so what do you mean?

I feel you.  I didn't mean side stories but totally am for including the family/relationship group celebrating holidays as a natural part of the story. Never just a side episode.  Those work for some stories but not this one.  This one has tender romantic things not just lemon with no plot

Seems like its been a build of world and plot, now though the main cast of girls are all introduced and developed some. Looks like there will be an escalation of the smut to plot events ratio. Which i look forward to

Happy Holidays and random idea that might make it easy to write a couple chapters is Holidays themselves.  Are you thinking of doing Holiday sections like Christmas, New Years, Halloween, Birthdays, Etc.?

yeah don't expect miracles moonbox is a creator not a company.  I was very happy with 19 and 20 coming so quick and look forward to 21 in hopefully 10-14 development days baring holiday plans. 

Looks like there is but just not updated here yet. 2.9 was leaked on a couple sites, either a mislabel or is real.  Won't play off those since its not the official.

it's a ren'py program, you have to download the folder, unzip and then click the .exe file for the game the right part (32 or the 64 which is one without the numerical tag on it) 

Whats the release schedule here after patreon release for new chapters?

What do you mean? Your question doesn't make too much sense. The way I'm reading it the answer would be "on my computer"

just copy and pasted it into the folder that had 17 and selecting to replace duplicate files.  What error are you getting 

I don't think so, the coding and files seem to be separated and your option is to fill out questionnaire to get the relevant story points for the .17 on or you can go back to part 1 play through and start with the new save on part2 when you get to the end.

Moonbox might change that when part 2 is done and we move onto part 3 and combine the past parts into one parent file as an option.

how goes .5 progress?

Nice new chapter. Lots of good things.  Love getting to see Karen again and the interplay between the dom cop.  Really looking forward to what you do with Annabelle and also the trip to Paris.  And love the use of seeming to add more renders or better render flow from when you started the very first chapter ins season 1.

Only not that would be cool to patch in later or include later in the game would be for Annabelle allowing for one of the options to treat use cow instead of pig for references, she defiantly has the body for it  and I think would be easy copy past when adding into script/scripting.  Personal preference I guess but could lead to fun different costumes or kinks to play with.

She's late game.  Probably after solidifying his more permanent relationships and getting them comfortable with each other.  I like that it is the slow seduction...but yes it felt like a tease


seems to be attempting to keep a 15-20 days of a release schedule barring Holidays and real world issue

Any news on more content?

looking forward to more, hopefully new update soon.  

One thing I noticed from the comments is that some don't like the transitioning fugitive not finalizing transition, perhaps it might be a good idea to allow for an option to expedite the transition to full female since it is super future.  and possibly and option with the hermaphroditic species to "Sheath" one option or the other.  And allowing some of the things to be optional.  A little more work but certainly greatly rewarding for making it a better game for the whole audience.  some of the complaints I can see about them being liars and not wanting to keep them around.  Perhaps in the future give the stow aways or betrayers of trust to better earn back the trust that was broken?  

Still  fun universe and developing into a fun story overall.

So much potential set up in season 1 for season 2.  Look forward to the start of season 2.  Hope to see an announcement for release date when that might be soon :)

how goes that next update btw? always look forward to where you'll take it!

gotta say I wish more content producers would do this sort of progress updates, especially those that update on longer and non-scheduled updates.   Thank you

very nice story, looks like you are working on updating more again which is great, hope there will be more content of them actually being intimate with each other and in relationships soon.  

What is normally the change over schedule from early access to public?

Alas I assume that was just the MAC zip being uploaded.  No new content for window, android or other users yeah?

is there a place where we can see a development log with each update so we know where to explore for new content or if its just bug fixes? i updated to the update .20 and didn't know what was new