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A member registered Jul 06, 2022

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So, we are home now... EVERYTHING IS OKKKK. So I guess my mom just pulled a muscle from making the bed XD...Guess she can't fold the bed anymore. However we had a hard time getting to the hospital we had to find a parking garage about a mile away from Grant Hospital 馃彞. We had to walk all the way from the garage to the hospital while she was IN PAIN BRUH. We finally made it to the hospital and when we reached one room they checked her blood and whatever then we had to wait like 30 minutes to get in the emergency room. We finally got in the room and that's when I updated you guys about the situation. After a little bit a nurse went into our room and checked where on my mom's stomach hurts. And it looked like it hurt really badly 馃槥. After maybe AN HOUR she was sent to get an ultrasound. So she was taken out of the room I was in and she needed a wheelchair to get out....I had to sit there and watch her get sent to another room. So I waited in the room she left from. I called my dad so he could come to the hospital because I was alone. I also called one of my friends Barbra (she's an older woman) so I could have some company. But then she came back and then the nurse came in and they said NOTHING WAS WRONG. My dad finally came to the hospital and we filled him in that nothing was wrong she just pulled a muscle. Also we thought about it and she basically WALKED IT OFF when we walked from the parking garage. So then we walked to our parking garage and with my mom and dad. We drove him to the garage he was in and then we got Wendy's 馃檶 Thx  for the prayers!!

EVERYONE PLEASE PRAY FOR MY MOM 馃檹馃檹馃檹鉂わ笍馃檹馃檹馃檹鉂わ笍馃檹 My dad is not here and I'm at the emergency room because she could possibly have gallbladder....Their going to have to scan her stomach area because it hurts really bad....Also SHES PREGNANT....My dad is not answering the calls and I'm very worried rn. PLEASE PRAY FOR US 馃檹鉂わ笍馃檹鉂わ笍馃檹

Yup still filthy rich as always

wow your good 馃檮

Awesome 馃憤馃憤馃憤馃憤 love it 馃槏

Sorry guys I gtg But I'll be on 1v1 lol my name on the is Xtreamgirl see ya


ANNOUNCEMENT EVERYONE: I am not going to be here as much so let's spend some time! But here's why; I have been playing 1v1 battle 1v1. Lol, and Build now GG so does anyone play those games?

oooo ok

*-* what in the world is code 1??

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Omg I'm in love with it rn 馃槀


Gtg guys

8C4P is still in existence

Cool, me like


Tell me about it


Thank you Pelican :)

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Anyway 8C4P please join no one ever joined me today 馃槶


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Oh thx 

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8C4P plzzzz join, and follow me I have up to 9 followers now

Yeah sure

*vanished into thin air*



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Hey guys I changed my display name it's official this time 馃槒 Anyway I'm going to change my profile pic too!


Ah over 90 outside BUT THE AC ISN'T WORKING 鈽癸笍

Also join G9WH 馃槂

Me IRL *tugging someone while saying "HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

LOL 馃ぃ 馃ぃ 馃ぃ 馃ぃ



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Lol no offence 馃槀

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G9WH And I LOOOOOOVE the update 馃ぉ鉂わ笍 I knew you were making updates


Beautiful 鉂わ笍 鉂わ笍

I agree