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A member registered Apr 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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I believe the summon spell only works if you have the staff equipped. Once I got both I could use a magic dildo on her that didn't seem to anger her as much as the other opinions.

(1 edit)

No problem! Glad to be of any help!
I just did a few rounds & it feels WAY better. It felt a little weird my first round since it didn't seem like you were losing anything from not moping the floor, but it made sense my second play through where I didn't mop until the last 25 seconds. Have to say, I love how the longer you wait to mop, the longer it takes to mop. It was so easy to understand & know what you should be doing.
Another thing I noticed, Daniel isn't an almighty frustrating  & confusing creature anymore. He is a lot more of a fun rng part of the game. He can still be a bit of a pain when he cancels you moping, but mostly I ended up hoping he would show up a lot at the start & then fewer later.
Just a small idea for Daniel if you plan on adding more skins. You could make him more aggressive the less clothes you have. That way when someone starts the game he isn't that big of a deal, but as you keep wanting to unlock more skins & get more upgrades, you have to deal with him showing up more & maybe sometimes him sticking around longer. I was having a lot of trouble having him show up enough with enough dishes to get me past 20-25 points. Have higher costing skins that need you to play a round where he is more active could be a way to add a difficulty curve. Up to you. Great job on the game! Can't wait to see where you take it!

Is that not what happens? It looks like he takes all of your points every time he comes. After playing quite a few times, it does seem like you earn points faster as you go a long, but I don't know why. At this point I was guessing there is some sort of background system that gives you more points depending how many points you built up the last time he took all your points, but not sure. So far, I love the idea of  the game & Daniel , but without knowing what is really happening to your points, it doesn't feel rewarding for the first few minutes of a round. Sorry for the long rant, I like the game & just want to give my thoughts on it & learn whats going on in game.

Fun little game. Although I can't really get far. Every round all my upgrades disappear & often even if I have cleaned everything: every dish, the sink, & the floor, Daniel still takes all my points...
Love the idea & enjoyed the game. I'll come back again to see how it play later on.

(3 edits)

Hello! I'm finally back. I played for a little bit and I think this game is going strong. Heres some bug, thoughts, and a question I have at the moment:

Bugs: First, deconstructing the slave cage gives you one, but doesn't remove the one you have placed.

Second, every invasion the girls just walk back and forth through my poison trap. Its the only reason why they haven't killed me the first several invasions, but it doesn't seem right. 

Third, When I intervene, I always get one shot. Since I have a health bar I thought I would be able to take 3-4 hits, but I do so little damage and get one shot. I like the little damage part since the main focus is on the traps, but the one shot part feels like a bug. If not, it would be nice to have some more health at the start of the game. oh ya, it also seems like the girls have way greater range then our character does. The only time I get to hit girls is when I am on the ledge above them until they get up to me.

Forth, nothing happens after a girl gets to the heart and breaks it. If I intervene and they come and kill me past the poison trap they 3 shot the heart and the game ceases to do anything else.

Thoughts: When starting you either have to wait quite awhile to be able to build something before you open the gate or probably die your first few invasions. It would be nice if you started with 250-350 evil. That or you could also add a tutorial for building that lets you build something for free/cheap. That would let there be a little more variety for starting.
Questions: Do mana crystals have a use yet? I love the idea of them and can see all sorts of uses for them, but I have no clue what they do right now.

Thats all I have for now. I don't have as much time to my self right now so I'll update this if I get the chance to play more soonish. Have a great day!

Yes. It would be nice.

Oh, thank you! Guess I never used my RMB...

(1 edit)

Oh ya, sorry forgot something. Would it be possible to close the other menus if you open one? I find my self clicking on a trap only to open the upgrade menu to fix everything in one go, & before I know it, there is 3-4 menus open for me to close.

Love how this game is coming along. The only thing that bothers me is how the slimes don't rest their positions. Having to move them back after ever invasion kind of kills the point of them for me. I like putting the slimes on the other side of traps to keep the ranged girl standing in my traps, but then I have to move them back after wards which can be annoying since they tend to be under my other traps. Making me have to remake my set up.

For the expedition system, I love the idea of it. It could be a great way to earn some cool upgrades for the dungeon or unlock traps/recruit other/better monsters for your dungeon. Not being able to move your camera really sucks though. There are a lot of clipping problems and it can be really hard to see where anything is unless you hug the bottom of the map. Also, I couldn't find any sort of end for the expedition. I got in, collected all the coins, and killed everything, but couldn't find a way to end it. Past that, love the update. Can't wait for the next one.

Great update! I haven't had a problem with anything yet, but I'll let you know if I do. Can't wait for the next update!

figured out what the cage is for. Since you generate 2 ep per 5 seconds, it would be nice if every cage with someone in it would increased the ep generated. I thought at first that the cage would either be a barrier or a trap to remove 1 of the invaders from the playing field. Which could still be nice. A trap that hold 1 invader for a few seconds so other traps have more time to deal damage. Either way, heres an idea, why not have the invaders target the cages to try & free anyone you have locked up. Then the player can set up "mini-cores" to lead the invaders around. Then more complex strategies could be deployed to make some invaders double back through traps. It also adds risk of losing your cash generators if you aren't care full. Just an idea. Sorry if I'm going on about this to much. I'm studying to be a programmer right now so things like this get my brain working.

This could be really fun. There are a few things I noticed that would be pretty nice in the game. It would be nice if there was an explanation on what the traps do (no clue what the slave cage does). It doesn't seem like you can turn the camera which makes it hard to tell where you are placing traps. Oh ya, there seems to be a bug where after clicking something on the top menu, the camera speed become really slow and doesn't become fast again till you restart the game. Over all, with a few updates I think this would be fun. It earned a follow from me. I hope you continue it, but even if not I'll try & check out anything else you make. Good luck!

I think remember that game. Sadly I don't have it anymore. I'll let you know if I ever get my hands on it again. I hope you can find it.

On the laptop you search 'location'. It took quite afew times for me, but thats how I got it. When you no longer have more locations to find that way it says something to tell you. Hope that helps

Guess I found a bug. After I turned on power, I went to check the pc & when I tried going back into the camp the first cut sceen played & I can't move now...

wow, never thought I would find a basic rpg that looks this good. The only real feed back I have is that the crystal used to interact with the bed looks a little out of place and the stone path in the village could use a bit more texture as they look a bit plain compared to everything else. I hope development goes well for this.

If I remember correctly, all you have to do is upload the game directly on I'm pretty sure no 3-party is needed in order to upload the game, but you can if you want. 

Hello, I just bought this game and am trying to download it through the app browser, but it says the download is hosted on an incompatible third party site. Could you perhaps fix this? Thank you!

Pretty fun. Not complete sure what to do tho. Saving the first person was easy and accidentally saved john while trying to figure out where to go. Still can figure out where to go after the entertainment hall. It won't let me dress up and get on stage & I can't find anywhere else to go, other then maybe letting myself to see if I can go into the changing rooms. I want to get the true ending first tho. Good game, I just don't know where it wants me to go.

Cool, thanks

Para Ark community · Created a new topic Movement system

Is there a way to change which keys let you move, I can't one? My left arrow key is currently broken (bad on my part, tried to clean my keyboard with out knowing how to put them back) and I don't really like moving around using my track pad.  I'll deal with it if not, but it would be nice if it was an option.

If it helps, there is a timer in game for how long you have been alive. It isn't perfect for this, but I use it to time when I turn back to shot enemies. It took a bit of getting use to, but it helped me.

Cool, glad to be of help! Also, I found the discord and posted more stuff in there.

Great update, unless I do something dumb, I can almost always get past five minutes. The fireball is pretty good now. Starting out it is more then then enough to get 1-2 levels, which has made it worth it to kill some goblins first before starting to circle the map. If you can get 2-3 levels of the fire ball you can get a lot of xp by circling the map. On the top and bottom you focus on killing enemies while going to the other side and then you can collect the xp once you circle back around. Thats how I get to 8-10 minutes. Just so you know Fated Waifua, around 8-10 minutes the fps drops to almost unplayable levels. On runs that I kill way more enemies, it pushes back the fps drop between 9-10 minutes, but on runs I kill little to none, it starts closer to 8 minutes. I am currently trying to test how well the different buffs/weapons work at different levels, but I realized something a little annoying. There isn't a way to see how many levels you have of a buff or weapon. It would be great if that was in the pause menu or something. Oh ya, when I have the cross, it seem I can pick up girls & chests without touching my character to it. Not completely sure if it is the cross hitting it yet since its hard to get that slow moving thing to hit things with goblins chasing you, but if that is an intentional feature and not a bug, it is pretty cool.

Looked into not being able to install the game through the desktop application and apparently you can tag the game file for which type it is for (windows, linux, ect). Don't know if that helps, but hopefully it does.

Cool! I'll give it a try as soon as I know its out. Also I normally use the desktop application to download games from Itch, but it shows up as there is no game to download. I had to go to the  website to download the game. Don't know why, but if you have any ideas it would be great if I could use the desk application since it lets me know when a game gets updated.

Done with my last run for the night and realize something concerning. My last run, I got 2 power ups to my fireball and I couldn't one shot enemies still. I get that enemies probably get stronger the longer you live, but I was still under a minute when I try to just start killing things. Didn't go well. It was fun tho.

Finally broke 6 minutes. For anyone interested, I booked it to the edge of the map and just started to going around. Got lucky and found 3 chest pretty quickly, 2 of which increased my movement speed. Side note, got 2 levels in the camera during that run. It seems currently only makes the screen bigger by maybe a pixel or so. Could be wrong on just how much, but its barely noticeable and I don't think its worth it yet. I hope it gets a buff cause I love the idea of it, its just not useful enough yet to be worth taking over anything else yet. Sorry if it seems I'm tearing into the game. I know its early access, I just hope that what I'm saying mite be useful in someway.

Well, this game has potential. It got me to play for over an hour, but something really needs to be done about starting out. After MANY attempts I found that chests are hard to find even with my spiral pattern to make sure not to miss anything, and its also hard managing to kill enough enemies to level up before there are to many for you to be able to pick up the xp. I don't feel like I've been able to get past the opening of the game since I have only found 4 girls and haven't gotten past 5 minutes in my over an hour of actively playing the game. Love the idea of this game and I'm going to try and give it another hour before it gets put on my list of come back in 1-4 months and see if its got an update. Oh ya, do you have discord or something for this game? I don't see a devlog anywhere yet (probably cause this game hasn't been out long), but I would love to see how this game evolves.