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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was super cute! I love the frog's walk and idle animation :D The flyign feather mechanic is a bit overpowered as you can kind of speed run the game with it. But I do like that you all limited the amount of available items by scattering them throughout the labyrinth. It made me have to think about how to best utilize the items to obtain other items to then obtain the Froko's missing keepsakes.  The loop being prompted by the fairy Froggos asking for Froko's name then being sent back to the beginning is a very clever way of reinitiating the opening cutscene. 

I really enjoyed this. It reminded me of soeme old flashgames I used to play online in the 2000s-2010s. (ᵔ◡ᵔ)

My only Recommendations: 

  1. Slow the walk cycle down somewhat during the endgame scene of meeting the three wise fairy Froggos. It'll make it more dramatic in impact.  
  2. Lower the total number of feathers by just 1-2. With the current amount, I didn't find a need for the poison.

Thanks a buncha~ o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o

Heyyy there
Is it too late to submit?  (。•́︿•̀。) I had to deal with a lot scripting, bug, and playtest issues so I took wayyy long than I needed.  I totally understand if it is too late. (*_ _)人
Game Below:  

This is actually how the old school dress up games used to be made. They were pngs you drag onto a model. Things didnt use to snap back then. Neither did they have reactions often to you placing the clothing on them. I find it a bit nostalgic and cute. Very early 2000s era online games.

The issue is fixed now! Thank you for letting me know.
\(٥⁀▽⁀ )/
 I must've missed it while updating my T.I.T.S store pages.

(*_ _)人

I'm sorry to hear that! I'll look into that now! 

(1 edit)

Hi Chelsea,

I have a chromebook as well. If you go to the google playstore on the chromebook, you should be able to download and play the mobile version for free. :)