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A member registered Feb 24, 2017

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Beautiful. Thank you.

Thank you for writing out your heart for us to read. The way it is delivered is probably the coolest way I've ever read a poem before.

Awww absolutely love this!! I just breezed through the whole thing and had a wonderful time. Thank you so much!

Oh this is absolutely lovely! I have to come back and try to get the other endings! (although living with critters away from greedy landlords is quite optimal as far as I'm concerned!)

OMG I LOVE THIS! It's such a simple and efficient concept! It's so much fun, and strangely relatable! XD Amazing work!

Thank you so much for making thiiiiisssssss! It's a really good way to end this romance <3

Aww, this reminds me so much of the dress up games I would play in browsers in my childhood. Thanks for this!!

I hope Master will be pleeaased!!~~ I've been such a good boi. (Thank you, I had fun! <3 )

Ooooh~ I really dig this! I had so much fun! I wonder if there are multiple endings? I really like the ending I got though. It's really cosy and quiet, just like the potion shop itself! I had a great time, thank you!

No, thank *you*, for making this game. 

When I got the email update from for this I was SO EXCITED OMG this is a masterpiece

This poor secretary must pee so much! XD
It's adorable, I love it!

This is adorable! I also love the recommendations at the start, all very clever

This is so beautiful in every way! Thank you! <3

Very cute, tricked me into doing actual maths.

This is so adorable! It makes you all warm and fuzzy inside <3

5***** : This game made me hungry. But also relaxed.