I like this premise a lot, and the way you've turned it into gameplay is brilliant (I actually panicked a bit when turning round to see death following). Add to that beautiful visuals and really haunting atmosphere and this is an utterly fantastic little horror experience. I really really want to see this expanded; the short length feels like only a taste of what you could do with this concept and I find the idea of it being developed into a longer game very exciting. But I cannot overstate how much I love what you've created here.
Angela M McCann
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I really want to play this game but I can't proceed. The very first set of choices won't let me do anything no matter what option I click and even after clicking multiple times, it feels like it keeps going to select that ring in the background rather than actually clicking the choice boxes. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game several times but the same thing keeps happening, do you have any advice what what might be causing this and how to work around it?
I quite enjoyed this, you were able to build this feeling of dread and helplessness throughout very well. I felt so bad for our MC, no choice was able to save them and it was even more heartbreaking on routes where they never broke the brainwashing of the cult. The point and click elements were a nice touch and very subtle, I missed a few of those options during my first run and it was cool going back and discovering them. I will say I kind of wish there was some music or maybe some ambient sounds throughout, it felt weird going through the whole thing in complete silence and I think some kind of background sounds would add to the atmosphere. But overall this was a really effective story.
This is a great little story, very glad I gave it a go. Loved both Camellia and Ivy as characters, and the setting was very interesting; I'd be interested to learn more about this estate and the family. I liked how some of the choices reflected what Camellia was learning, I'd love to see more options like that. I think a little more buildup towards the ending would have made it more impactful, but overall I really enjoyed this and I'm definitely excited to see more endings in future updates.
Amazing game!!!
I'm so glad I gave RoboCult a go, I had so much fun playing. First of all I love your artstyle! It's very expressive, especially with all the animations included. S.AI.VIOR's design (in all his forms) is fantastic which adds to his overall charm, he is one of the most entertaining characters I've seen in a game and it was great fun learning more about him throughout the story. Getting all of the endings was really fun, I'm impressed with how many ways the story could turn out and what options could lead to each ending (ending 5 was the first one I got and honestly still my favourite; I just couldn't resist pissing him off). I was also pleasantly surprised by how much interactivity there was throughout. The point and click elements and the timed events were cool enough additions, but the confrontation in his house completely caught me off guard!
Loved playing this and I'm looking forward to seeing what else you come up with in the future.
This demo is brilliant, the prologue alone has me hooked on this story. Rue is an adorable MC, I kind of relate to her having whole conversations in her head, and Parker is an absolute riot; really looking forward to seeing how the two for them develop. The grimoire is a great touch, and the amount of words in the glossary so far just goes to show who much work you put into the world-building. Seeing the inventory and recipe tabs definitely has me excited for this potion making mini game in the full version.
Love everything about Potion Pleasing so far, will definitely be keeping an eye out for the full version.
Somehow this game completely slipped under my radar, I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get to it until now. But after finally playing it... wow. I have a few OCD tendencies so there was a sense of familiarity in Clover's routine before leaving her room, but my tendencies have never been this intense and I think this is the first time I've really understood how severe it can be for some people. I almost felt like I was going to cry at times seeing how much Clover was going through, though it was equally heartwarming to see how much Velvet cared for her. This is a really beautiful and powerful little game, possibly one of the most impactful games I've ever played. And I know this is very late but I hope that you're doing better with whatever it was you were going through.
You've done it again! This was so fun and cute, I love it! I've known Maggie for less than a day but I adore my trash queen so much and I will do anything for her, she has quickly become one of my favourite Noiresverse characters. All of the characters were great. Rolo and Opaisley are just the cutest besties and Zapper quickly won me over. With his introduction I was a bit surprised at how fun he ended up being but it was really endearing learning more about him, especially his interactions with Maggie (shipping them so hard already <3). I never get tired of playing your games and this one was an absolute delight.
I'm still giggling even now, this game is so much fun! The concept is absolutely genius and I love how the MC is written to be just utterly done with all the nonsense around them. The way the curse is implemented adds an interesting layer to the choices, I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out in the other routes (whenever in your lifetime they get made - that unfinished section was one of my favourite parts). Blan's route was great, I kind of adore him and how hard he tries; he may be the only choice right now but he's already my favourite. Utterly delightful little game, I will definitely be keeping an eye out for more.
Gonna be honest I nearly noped out of here from the title screen music alone. But I kept going... and kept going... and kept going until it wouldn't let me anymore.
That was WAY more unnerving than I anticipated, I'm in awe of how much tension and dread you were able to build in such a short amount of time. It's an incredibly simple premise but all the sounds, the narration and the fourth wall break made the reveal of the monster extremely effective. And the monster itself is amazingly designed, both in it's physical appearance and how it acts, with the circular ending adding a haunting twist to this story. This is brilliant, so glad I gave this game a go.
I've had this game saved for ages but for some reason never got around to playing it until now, and I regret how long it's taken because this is amazing! Getting all the endings really makes me want to see how the next days progress, I'm especially curious as to what on earth those mushrooms are. The MC is quite relatable (I feel so bad about their cat, I hope they're ok) and Mychael is a fantastic character, I was constantly flitting between finding him sweet and worrying about what he was up to. The art is incredibly beautiful too, really love the forest background and Mychael's design is amazing. Loved playing, definitely want to see more.
This was a very creepy start and I love it, it's quite a unique approach to this kind of premise and it's already got such potential to be a really effective horror game (the webcam question got me a bit paranoid right off the bat). I'm intrigued as to how things will progress and change with this story, just from playing the other choices I can see some interesting possibilities. Definitely going to be keeping a close eye on this game.
Wow. Just... wow. Everything about this game is brilliant, this might already be one of my new favourites just from the prologue alone. I loved how much customisation there was for our MC's appearance and their personality was utterly relatable. The atmosphere was incredibly tense right from the start, I quickly found myself feeling just as paranoid and anxious as the MC. In fact I have to say that this is one of the most impactful depictions of anxiety I've ever come across, it genuinely had my whole body on edge all the way through. Even now I feel a bit weird. The worldbuilding is also amazing, you kept drip feeding enough details to help flesh this setting out and keep the story going without getting lost in exposition. I was riveted from beginning to end, there's already so much here to get me hooked and I am thoroughly excited to see how things turn out in the full release. Definitely keeping an eye on this game.
This is awesome little horror game, I'm really glad I gave it a go. The atmosphere was really tense throughout, there was a great slow build to the actual scares but right from when I entered the house I was on edge; that odd wobbly effect to our vision was surprisingly effective at making me feel unnerved. The story was brilliant I'm impressed at just how much you were able to convey in such a short space of time without making it go too exposition heavy, and Emily is such an endearing protagonist. Dusty stole the show though, he's incredibly creepy and threatening but never went overboard with the jumpscares. Plus I love horror games where the monsters talk to you. Got both endings and found both fairly satisfying. Loved playing, will definitely be keeping an eye out for your other work.
This game is amazing! I had so much fun playing, even now I've got the biggest grin on my face. Not sure what exactly I was expecting but it was not a fourth wall breaking roast of my twisted taste in visual novel characters; that caught me well off guard. I love these characters already; Blue is a dick but he's hilarious and Perry is such a sweetheart. I also love our protagonist, they have a pretty relatable personality and I kind of feel bad at how confused they are by all the fourth wall breaking shenanigans (especially with Blue, kinda felt sorry for pushing them down that route). Loved every moment and I'm very eager to see what other characters and routes come in future updates (especially interested in whatever's going to happen at that haunted well).
You know I've played a lot of yandere games and I think this is the first one where the yandere in question has immediately triggered a "no no no" reaction in me right from the beginning.
I wasn't entirely sure what to expect with this game when I booted it up but it ended up being genuinely uncomfortable to playthrough (in a good way). Louhi is quite horrifying, I never felt safe with him for a moment and was immediateley trying to say no and get away. There's a real sense of helplessness with just how little your choices matter. I also like how his backstory explains his actions and attitude, but to me at least it never felt like it excused them. Yes his backstory was genuinely quite sad, pitiable even, but every time he started playing up his sadness to garner sympathy I was sat there yelling at the screen "Maybe I'd feel more sorry for you if you weren't constantly bad touching me!" It's quite refreshing to get such an unsettling character all the way through, full props to you for being able to write someone so effectively disturbing. However I am a little confused as to how the MC sees him at times. Him just pushing through our boundaries no matter what we say works to make the situation feel more uncomfortable and violating, but it's a bit weird that even if I've said no at every opportunity the MC still seems to react positively to these actions (especially when she says she feels safe with him in bed, that really rubbed me the wrong way). I don't know if that means Louhi was deliberately manipulating her feelings to make her enjoy what he was doing, but it did make me disconnect with her more than once. However other than that the story was really good. I like the concept of Upirs and how a lot of details linked together as it progressed, plus the art and character designs were really nice to look at.
I was very surprised at finding out this is apparently a demo, it felt like a pretty complete story no matter what ending was reached, so now I'm quite curious to see where this will end up going. But overall I'm glad I gave this a go.
I am utterly enthralled by this story. This is one of the most beautifully twisted tales I've read in a while, the way you wrote this almost gave it a fairy tale vibe but mixed with some creative body horror and very dark themes. It was strange to begin with but the further along I went the more it drew me in, and seeing the odd relationship between the MC and Starling was fascinating to watch (adding Starling to the list of questionable fictional crushes). Both endings had my jaw on the floor, I really couldn't predict where things would go. Admittedly I was confused about how to get the second ending as there weren't any choices at all, I did see the note about it being Starling's choice but couldn't see how that would change. But then I replayed it and it changed on it's own, which is not something I think I've seen before. The idea of having a choice completely out of the players hands is really interesting, I'd love to see that concept explored. The art is also gorgeous, really loved the character design for both MC and Starling. Loved this so much, will definitely be keeping an eye out for the bonus episodes and any future games you release.
I love a good cleaning horror game. This was very enjoyable to play, you built up a lot of dread as the player moves quietly through this house and the cleaning mechanics were simple but satisfying enough to make me keep pushing forward. The story is also excellent, very disturbing idea and paced really well with each new text reveal. I will say the jumpscares seemed a bit unnecessary. With how disturbing the story is and the quiet atmosphere building throughout I feel like you could have taken them out and not lost anything, but overall this was a fun little game.
Had to comment again as I've just finished playing the updated version and wow! Lorraine was already one of my favourite games but the amount of new content here makes me love it even more, I adored getting to spend more time with Gentian and seeing a bit more of the world itself. Lorraine is still a wonderful character and it was great seeing even more depth to her story with all these extra scenes. Love it, love it, love it. Also seeing everything you've added here is making me very excited for Preternatural 1909.
What a haunting experience. From the ominous wording of the task to how little you can actually see with the flashlight, I felt very uncomfortable from beginning to end. The atmosphere you built here is brilliant and adds to the tension of descending further and further. I love how there's just enough details to get you intrigued but no real explanation for what happened here; all you can do is keep going deeper. Love this game so much.
Very spooky game, the feeling of isolation is quite effective and the use of sounds did unnerve me a lot. I like how the ship is just this ominous red light in the darkness, I wasn't even sure if it was real or not. I will say the pacing was a bit quick, I feel like we should have had at least one more fairly normal shift at the lighthouse before things started going wrong to build a bit more tension, and the final scare didn't hit that hard at all, but it's still an incredibly creepy game and I enjoyed playing it.
Another really cool little horror game with some effective jumpscares and once again brilliant atmosphere. It was very easy to get lost, at least in the second act there were the dog sounds to follow (poor dog), but that added a lot to the dread building up throughout. It really did feel like a playable folk tale and I really enjoyed it.
That thing was a lot bigger than I realised!
This game is fantastic! Short and simple but the atmosphere here is horrifying! Having to swim down into the darkness with only the lines to guide you was nerve-wracking, and the way the creature only just appeared in the corner of your eye while in the water did actually make me panic. Utterly brilliant, you are quickly becoming one of new favourite horror devs because you are excellent at building tension. Love this so much.
This was very unsettling, you created some brilliant atmosphere here and I loved how slow-burn the scares were. The moment when the lights went off was very well-done. Also it was pleasantly suprising to have control over most of what you type, it was a nice touch and made the few moments when something different to what you typed much creepier (especially when my name came up). Does make me wonder how much it can react to what you type.
Slight Spoiler: The final scare did loose some of the tension by having the figure run at you, personally I think if it just went black when you saw the figure that would have kept the unease going (especially because the text afterwards was still very creepy) but that might just be a personal preference. It didn't take away from how effective the game was overall and I'm really glad I gave it a go.
You know I read the trigger warnings and the comments... yet still wasn't able to predict just how bad things could get for this MC.
I can't say I'm really into torture/horror porn as a genre, I often find the story feels lacklustre and explicit just for the sake of it which takes away any impact the content could have, but here I was riveted from beginning to end. You said the writing here is emotionally charged and I felt that throughout, and the way you were able to balance gore, emotion and even eroticism without it feeling like cheap shock tactics shows that you're a seriously talented writer. For as simple as the scenario is there is incredible atmosphere throughout that kept shocking me with how creative each and every ending got. Even the pet ending was terrifying because it's not clear what being a 'pet' entails here, for all we know it could be way worse than anything else she suffered. Friedrich really did steal the show, I love how unapologetically twisted and cruel he is while still somehow being entertaining, while the amount of times he caught the MC and dragged out her death gave him this almost unstoppable force of nature vibe. It really felt like there was nothing you could do to get away no matter what you chose, which made the final ending even more of a shock. I also like how the MC slowly revealed little bits about her personality and backstory throughout, and how it always seemed to be the small moments that broke her more than the violence itself (All's Well That Ends Well in particular was heartbreaking). The art is also just gorgeous, with even the most explicit CG straddling the line between horrifying and haunting, while the character designs are incredible. Again Friedrich stole the show here as well, he is so expressive I love how his body changes at times to show his more demonic side while still keeping that expressiveness (now that's a 'hear me out' even I can't explain).
This was both an unsettling and thrilling little story that I enjoyed way more than I expected to. I'll be keeping an eye out for any future games of yours, and I'd definitely love to see Friedrich make a return.
First off the art is gorgeous! Just utterly beautiful designs for both the characters and the setting, especially when building up horror. Also I like the little instances of animation, it makes the eyes incredibly unsettling. The use of font colours and animations is also really good, it adds a lot of emotion to what's being said and the highlighting of certain words made me very uncomfortable.
I really enjoyed the writing here, it was a lot of fun and full of personality while still building a lot of dread throughout. Our protagonist feels very realistic and relatable, a lot of the things they said were things I'd probably say in that situation. It was very easy to connect and feel bad for everything they went through. I actually winced at how bad the limbs were broken and when describing the feeling of the eyes you painted some very unsettling images that made me feel like I was going a bit mad (eyes crawling inside you is not a mental picture I ever wanted, and that's coming from someone who loves body horror). The world building too is something that I need more of, the little details you give raise so many questions. Magic is an established thing that is known to have side effects and only a few people use it, plus multiple fantasy races live in this world, yet technology has also got to the point of putting camera lenses in people's eyes? I am fully invested in this particular story but I would be open to seeing more stories in this setting to see more of how the world works.
Corvin of course is the highlight. Will fully admit I downloaded this because of the yandere tag (I'm a bit of a sucker for these kind of stories) but I don't think I've ever read a yandere story where the love interest starts out as terrifying and then reveals their nice side. It genuinely caught me off guard, especially because just like the protagonist Corvin feels really genuine and relatable. He wasn't Mr Perfect and Charming straight off the bat; he got frustrated and anxious and genuinely felt like someone trying his best to help in a bad situation, even when he made things worse. After my first playthrough I felt nothing but warmth towards him and honestly forgave the horror he put me through. Then I replayed it to see the dialogue options I missed it reminded me of his line "When you wake, you will forgive me.", and now I'm starting to think I got manipulated. It's been a long time since a character made me feel like that, which is a testament to how well-written he is. Unsure what to expect from him going forward but I am here for it!
I don't think I have enough words to describe how much I love this. I will be eagerly waiting to see what happens next and I'm excited to see any other work you release. This has immediately shot up there as one of my favourite visual novels.
Feels like it would have been useful to keep our wife around a bit longer, she could have been helpful with the lighthouse.
This was a great little horror game. The pPSX visuals look amazing, especially with the weather, and the sound design was brilliant. Took a bit of time to figure out what to do as the indicators felt a bit inconsistent, however once I got into it the story was really engaging. The ambience and subtle changes in the environment were incredibly effective and it all escalated nicely into the ending. I do feel the ending itself was a bit abrupt, the lights slowly going off was a great way to build tension but then when I turned I barely saw anything before it cut back to the title screen, but overall I really enjoyed playing this game.
This was a fun little experience, you've created a really effective atmosphere in such a short time. There's something strangely satisfying in the repetition of transferring the data, yet how long it takes for each disc to complete added a lot of tension. I enjoyed getting each ending and just overall really enjoyed it. Glad I gave this game a go.
And I will admit that first jumpscare did get me, well played.
I had a feeling about who the witch was but the princess? Didn't see that coming.
Wow. Just... wow. I had no idea what to expect going into this. I absolutely love It Gets So Lonely Here so seeing that this was a sequel definitely had me intrigued, but I was not prepared for how intense this story got. The fact that you were able to contain everything that made the first game so brilliant in a smaller scale story was incredible, there were even parts that hit me harder than the first game because it felt even more like the story was out of my control. No joke I spent several minutes stuck in a loop because I did not want to give in, I was sure if I just kept persisting that something would change. Seeing the ending explained why it went like this and that was a MASTERFUL twist, but that build up hit hard. Absolutely amazing story, you've completely blown me away with The End Of An Obsession. It kind of makes me want to replay both games back to back so I can really see all the little connections.
Also the song at the end was AMAZING! Definitely going to be listening to that on repeat for a while.
This is a beautiful but deeply unsettling demo.
Seeing everything get revealed with the scanner is extremely satisfying and the different colour palettes in each level creates a gorgeous aesthetic; I feel like I could spend hours just pointing that scanner all over the place and getting every last detail. But at the same time I was very uncomfortable with how some shapes appeared and while the beating heart sound that accompanied the scannable objects did get me tense, somehow it was the objects that weren't marked which made me more nervous. The idea that something like a deer and an outhouse gets marked but not a graveyard just gave me a bad feeling and added to the atmosphere. Also I don't trust Scanny. I don't know if it's because he doesn't seem entirely certain of things himself or just because he reminds me of Clippy but I don't trust him. Overall I loved this demo, I will definitely be keeping an eye out for the full release as I'm very excited to see the other levels.
Final note is that I was not expecting to get jumpscared by a goose.
That was surprisingly effective. I kept waiting for something to happen that would end things but it never did. The flashlight dying seemed like it should indicate an ending but no. Then I thought maybe I'll hit a dead end or fall through a hole or the tunnel will get too tight to crawl through but... nothing. And that somehow made things far more unsettling. I don't know if there is an end or if it does just keep going forever but I'm very impressed at how much atmosphere you created with a such a simple premise.
They're back! I'm a bit late noticing this release but I'm so happy to see Jaunus and Anastasia again. This story was incredibly sweet and fun, I laughed out loud a few times at some of Jaunus's reactions when things went wrong and had the biggest smile on my face at the end (these two are so cute together!). Really enjoyed reading , definitely still want to see more of this couple.
Downloaded this ages ago but didn't get around to it until now, and I'm sorry I took so long to do so because this was a delight to play! Loved how you wrote the Daycare Attendant, both Sun and Moon were so utterly endearing that I didn't want to leave them behind at the end. Every character had a lot of personality, even the MC felt relatable without being flat. The artwork was also beautifully bright and colourful, absolutely lovely. Gone through all three endings now and they were all amazing (Eclipse was a surprise but a great edition, would love to see them expanded on more). Still missing two cgs and can't figure out how to get them, but that's just a great excuse to replay it. Loved this so much, easily one of my new favourite VNs.
Also huge props to the voice actors, they did an incredible job. Especially loved SerifTheImpressionist's voice for Moon, it was oddly soothing to listen to.
You know I played the original version so I knew what was coming yet you somehow still managed to suprise me several times and nearly bring me to tears with the good ending!
This is beautiful, an absolutely wonderful remake that works so well, the story fits the horror rpg format so well. The art and sprites are gorgeous, it was fascinating getting each new ending and I have so many more questions about this world with the inclusion of Memorial and Buttons (what are they doing?!)
Absolutely incredible work, I love this so much.