thanks much apprecitate
Anna anana
Recent community posts
I find myself crazy to like this so much but i dont really care if wanting this is crazy. Im obessed with finding every single ending i just wanna see all versions of him and im not using the word "obessed" lightly. I know the second im done im gonna be craving future updates or games like this much more and especially milo.
when you finish a game and your like me, it becomes hard and kinda painful doesnt matter what game it is easspecialy if youve played the game and took mulitple days to finish it it like you have to find a whole new distractions i hate when they end even knowing a new part si coming out helps me but letting go on games is aching for me and will never stop unless i stop thinking about it but comes back when my mind remembers something i love this game really just sad i can only play it once (i know i can i mentally cant handle replaying it) i mostly play more than watch because movies are just always triggering they do things that sometimes makes me uncomtrable like sitting and having to finish it games for me are better you can decide and be in control anyway you dont need to mind this comment ik its long it just makes me feel better knowing my feelings are out somewhere.