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Anna Zvočová

A member registered Apr 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the review! ...We definitely plan to make it quicker and also much more complex after GJ! :)

Haha, we didn´t think of it but yep, kinda :D :D We are glad to read you like the aestetics and the sounds! 

Thank you! We are really glad you enjoyed the game! :)

It´s one of those games that challenge you to keep playing and playing to get as far as possible... I like it! It has a really interesting idea and I think it fits the theme very well! :)

Thank you! Yes, we do plan to work on it more.  :)  

Thank you! :3

I see :) We agreed that it would be better to make it faster in the next patch too :D Thank you, for the review! Also we are really glad you like the visuals! :) 

Thank you! can sprint if you press "Shift" :) 

It´s cute and it´s fun!! ...not sure if it´s just me, but "play again" doesn´t work... :) ..Overall good job!! :3  

Good job!

Wow! Really funny idea! Also the graphics is cool! :3

So the hard controls are on purpose? xD Well then really good job in that - it´s quite frustrating! :D Great challenge for players! :D Also nice graphics :3 

Nice graphics and interesting idea! Can be a little bit hard not to fail instantly, but I like when a game has a challange :D Good job! :3 

Interesting choice to make it a video! I like that it looks different :) ...It´s a shame there´s no sound and no more choices - but of course, there wasn´t much time... :D Overall good job! :3