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A member registered Oct 10, 2021

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imho bp trainer badges are way too op, I have over 100 unused badge points and not enough badges to use them.

also I don't know if this is intentional but when you're addicted, you can fill up past your full stomach.

and nothing bad will happen to my... personal data either?

I love this game, and I'm think I'm near the end, but the game is doing something very scary and I don't want to continue if it will mess something up outside of the game, I won't specify it here since it's probably a spoiler, and I hope that anyone who got to that point will know. I really want to continue and experience more of these characters, but it just feels like something will go wrong if I continue. if anyone can give me confirmation that it will fine, I will greatly appreciate it.

where do I get the inflation scene, or the infected lab coats?

I did Cassie's route

I've done every option in the bdsm club she has to offer, or atleast that I know of, I've done the pony play, the one where she gives you no senses for 15 minutes, the one where you have to break out of the rope, and the one where she tries to publicly humiliate you. that is the farthest I've gone.

what do I do to continue the route?

also, while I'm asking, are there any navel piercings in the game?

when do I use the safeword for fawn?

Yeah… honest to god, I genuinely cried when Zac picked two random people over me… and then never did anything to say sorry or make amends… he just immediately went back to chubby chasing… as if my feelings were garbage to him… I just want to know if there is any way, any way at all, that in the future, or possibly even in the current update, if I could make Zac at least say sorry, instead of him just ignoring your feelings. I’m ok if I don’t join his group oh right, I just want him to actually, genuinely apologize for deciding two random people were better then me, someone he already knew and had a relationship with.

hello, I'd just like to say this game is amazing. you did such a good job that I feel actually connected to all the characters here, I feel like they are actually real, and that I'm actually their friend (or partner~). but I don't have the energy or motivation to play this game further after I realized there is no way to get into Zac's group. I really need to know if you will be making a way to join Zac's group, because I just don't have the emotional motivation to continue playing after that. It may sound stupid, but I felt horrible after that, and I couldn't bring myself to even touch the game again ever since. Thank you for making this, and I hope you have a great day if you're reading this.