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A member registered Dec 02, 2023

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(2 edits)

Good job. Seems to be fixed.

One minor issue I noticed is that the swords sometimes miss because they spawn behind the enemy. You should probably be taking the speed of the enemy into account and spawning the sword a bit in front of it.

I'm pretty sure it's still slower.  When I run orthogonally I can easily run away from enemies. When I run diagonally we're almost the same speed.

How do you calculate the velocity? You should be normalizing the direction vector and then scaling it with the speed.

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My guess would be the collision detection being inefficient.

Putting the technical problem aside it also points to the game mechanics needing some tinkering. It seems impossible to not end up running away from a growing blob of enemies following you. The player's weapons don't seem fit to cut down the number of enemies in a meaningful way.

It's still the same for me.

Running diagonally is slower than running orthogonally. Is that intended?

poor guy 😂

(1 edit)

Really well made game. I enjoyed it. 👍

I made it to the boss a couple of times but didn't manage to beat him.

Well made game. Took me ages to figure out what to do at transfer_String, though. Also am I supposed to be able to pass MEMORY_USAGE without entering all lines?

(1 edit)

Very well made game all around. 👍

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Very cool. I like the animation. It gives you a sense of speed.

A few suggestions:

1. It would be nice if you could also show WPM. I looked it up right now and apparently WPM is usually calculated by CPM/5.

2. I'm not entirely sure if the CPM are calculated correctly. On the secret text I got like 75 CPM which can't be correct. I typed it in 12 seconds.

3. The contrast between the background color and the font is a bit low imo. Maybe make the background a bit darker or give the text a dark outline.

4. It might make sense to move the position of the cursor a bit to the left so one has more time to read the words ahead.

Nice game. Here are a few suggestions:

1. The size of the iframe doesn't fit the resolution of the game and cuts part of it off (see image). I think you can set the size of the iframe in settings. It's fine in fullscreen mode.

2. It would be nice if I could also go to the next text by pressing enter instead of having to click the button.

3. The number of texts is quite low, so they repeat often. You can just let ChatGPT generate a hundred sentences for you.

Very well made game with an interesting game mechanic.

Took me ages to figure out the trick to reaching the last alien.

(1 edit)

Replying 4 years late but better late than never, right? 😂

Took me a while to figure out that level as well. You can influence how the inactive AI moves. It always looks at the mouse cursor and walks in that direction when you press Space.

You can use that to make it bounce back and forth in a safe space. Then you can use the yellow box to block the two guards on the right and get the suitcase.

I'm really not a fan of that game mechanic, though. Not sure what the point is.

(2 edits)

Nice. I tried it again and ended up playing it for a lot longer than the first time.

Another easy improvement would be to disable the words above friendly units.  They're not used afaik and just clutter the screen.

(4 edits)

Wow, I enjoyed this game a lot. It was incredibly hard, though. The peripheral vision of that thing is insane. And it took me a long time to find out how to get the key in the bathroom because I didn't know that you could crouch. I also couldn't figure out the combination. The number yes, but not the reverse order. Had to look it up in one of the videos.

The controls are a bit awkward, though. E and left mouse click should be one button. It's confusing to have both for different interactions and the dialog. It should probably be E for both. Then LMT would be free to use for shooting instead of RMT which is unusual.

You don't have to ;). I like to give feedback for fun even on old projects that aren't going to be worked on anymore.

I only noticed now that you can set the speed and spawn time in the settings. But as long as the enemies come one by one it's still rather easy.

If you do continue to work on it you could look into two bugs I noticed:

1. It seems like once you fail to type a word you can't type other words that start with the same letter.

2. Your score doesn't reset when you restart the game.

that spot was almost impossible

Funny game and pretty hard, too. You have to beat him early on or he gets too strong.

Maybe add an office space with a hardwood floor as a background for better immersion.

I tried that, too. It works now. For some reason it didn't when I first tried.

Nothing happens when I press start.

(1 edit)

Cool game. Made it past level 20 before I quit. The pause between the wave screen and the actual wave is a bit too long, though. It lets boredom set in.

Also the number of words needed to fill up the meter seems ridiculously high. I couldn't make it even once. Maybe just subtract 10 points instead of resetting it to zero.

I would also add some subtle marching music smilar to this:

Very well made game from a technical standpoint. It's a bit tedious to play, though because of the very short lifetime of towers and having to look up the coordinates. Maybe it would have been better to write the complete coordinates into the corners of the respective fields.

Looks very nice and is fun to play. But there doesn't seem to be an increase in difficulty. Maybe very slowly but gradually decrease the spawn frequency.

Also the iframe doesn't seem to be embedded correctly. The edges of the screen are cut off.

(1 edit)

Very good job on your first game. Some tiny suggestions:

1. Sometimes the same word spawns twice in a row which can cause you to shoot twice at the same enemy if you're fast. Maybe do  check to ensure you don't have duplicate words on the screen.

2. The text under the enemies is rendered a bit blurry. I assume the cause is floating point coordinates that cause the pixels to be interpolated which doesn't go well with pixel graphics. You could try rounding the coordinates to integers before they're rendered.
Godot might have a built-in feature to fix that. The term "GPU pixel snap" came up on a short Google search. Maybe that helps.

Very nice for a jam game. Would need fleshing out to keep up the motivation to play.

(1 edit)

Nice game. You should probably add a few screenshots and let people know that they need to have Java installed.

Btw my browser complained that download might be dangerous. Maybe packing your jar into a zip can prevent that.

1. Click on the apple in the school 8 times. Then you can bang the pizza girl.

Click on the apple in the school 8 times. Then you can bang the pizza girl.

(2 edits)

Very cool game. I like the gameplay and it runs smoothly. The only thing I'm wondering is if the stage selection is broken. No matter which stage I start is looks the same.

Also since it's a typing game it would be nice if the menus were completely navigatable without a mouse.

Very solid game. I made it to 194 kills. It would be cool if you could type any of the displayed words instead of just the one highlighted by the game. At least the nearest enemy should be picked instead of the one that spawned first.

I'm not a fan of the super obscure words. I like it when typing games train useful muscle memory.

(1 edit)

Cool game. The hit boxes are too unforgiving for my taste, though. Reminds me of Flappy Bird.

Very well made game. What gets me everytime is enemies spawning while I'm busy typing a long string.

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Pretty cool. Some letters are a bit difficult to read but I could still keep the game going indefinitely. There's a small bug which is that the bar can go beyond 100%. I noticed it because it took a while for the bar to come back after a long streak without slip-ups.

You could just check the typed string against all zombies instead of making the player type a number. Although this way you also get to train your number typing.

Yep, works now. 👍

I did try typing random words but that didn't seem to work.

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The input field shouldn't disappear after typing a word. That way you have to press Enter twice for each word which is tedious. You could even check for a match after every key stroke so you wouldn't have to press Enter at all.

It doesn't seem like there is a point in disabling the input field. The numbers you press to select units for production don't conflict with the words you type to destroy units.

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I don't see any required letters and whatever I type is wrong.

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I see the loading circle but the buttons don't appear. I don't know what triggers it, it doesn't always happen.

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Simple game but very well designed and implemented.

I'm a decent but not incredibly fast typist. I tried to be strategic with the special abilities. The best I could do was 824 on the third attempt.

However the leaderboard doesn't seem to work for me

Edit: 4th attempt. Btw the option to retry seems to be missing (sometimes? I thought I saw it once).