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A member registered May 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

This is amazing. A masterpiece.

Hell yes, now I'm excited.

I absolutely loved it, can't wait for the full game.

Hell yes, looking forward to it as well, then. ;)

The game is amazing, and since you mentioned that you will be continuing it, I am excited to see more of it. Will there be an option to download the game on one's laptop?

Haha, I'll make sure to write a review of sorts, it does look very promising, after all. ;)

Congratulations! It's a great accomplishment, and I'll most certainly play the game when the opportunity presents itself. Thank you for sharing your creation with us.

Thanks for making it, hah.~

It was an interesting experience. I will be eagerly waiting for more.

What a beauty.

I did vote, but I'm not sure if it counted my vote at all, so I'll also write it here; option 1 makes a lot of sense in my opinion since it makes the option's intent clear, and whether your flirting succeeds or not should remain a mystery- it'll be much more interesting this way.

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Hell yes, excited for this.

Oh hell yes, good news indeed.

Don't apologize, shit happens. And I wish you luck with that other project- you'll do great, I believe.

The game will be missed. Team? You did good.

Mhmmm, followed. ;) I won't bother you more in case you're tired of me already, HAH- But I'm here if you need support.

Hahah, no problem. Mind sharing your Tumblr account? I'd give it a follow.

You can post some sort of a teaser/overview of your IF at first- answer asks as you get them, talk to the readers and other writers, look for tips and such. There are also accounts that let you promote your IF.

I have no doubts about it- Tumblr is your safest bet if you want to make yourself known. People are pretty supportive there, from what I've seen.

Hahah, oh I get it. I know how hard it can be to keep going, and writer's block can strike you down easily if you don't have any people to support you. I know we are basically strangers, but it doesn't mean I can't sincerely root for you. So I'm happy to hear my words actually encourage you.~

Of course, no need to thank me. This project has a lot of potential, and it would be a shame if we failed you as your readers and made you waste it all. Just take it easy and write whatever you want, whenever you want.

We appreciate your hard work and are willing to wait for as long as necessary- please take your time and don't feel pressured.

Do not worry, we understand- health always comes first, we can wait for as long as necessary.

Once you see the author quoting Bioshock, you immediately know they're a person of culture.

That aside, I like the story so far; can't wait for more.

Not bad at all, sounds rather interesting so far. I will be waiting for more.

We understand, don't worry about the game and concentrate on what's more important for the time being; take your time and stay safe.

A fine first attempt, I must add. I'll be excitedly waiting for more from you.~

Despite the fact it's short, I absolutely enjoyed it; the concept itself has so much potential, too.

Got it. Expect a message as soon as I register there and figure out how the whole thing works.~

Haha, for any reason in particular or just for the heck of it? Don't mind either way. ;)

Phahaha, now that's very cute.~ Being serious, nothing can satisfy me more than knowing my words are enough to motivate you. If you need any help or more support, do not hesitate to ask for it- I will be more than happy to help, and I'm certain I am not the only one.

Hahah, really, one of the best? I'd say it's a shame, you deserve this and way more; the concept is so unique, not your typical "I died and nothing interesting is now happening because I am, well, dead".  There are very few stories that manage to intrigue me, and yet you easily made the top 10, congratulations. ;)

This is going to be interesting. So much potential, I will watch your career with great interest.

Absolutely amazing. I was skeptical at first- after all, there are very few good interactive fiction games of the sort, but I decided to give it a go- and I love it so, so much. Reading this made me so happy for some reason, and I still am ecstatic- it's a little worrying, even.

My point is- if you need any help, opinions or mere emotional support, please don't hesitate to reach out- I will gladly contribute to the case or/and your well-being.

Thank you for creating something so amazing.

Sign. Me. Up.

Better stop bothering you now, hah. Wishing you and your team good luck. ♥️ 

I guess it's because not everyone is ready to actually work so hard to do something of the sort.

And of course, encouraging you is the least I can do- but if there's anything else you need help with, please do tell and I'll do my best to assist you.

Honestly, I've been waiting for something of the sort for so long- so I'm quite happy now. I'd gladly help with the game, but sadly I don't have enough time nor any experience, thus I can only hope my support will be at least a little helpful.

Can't wait for this game, it has so much potential. Excited to see more of it!

Dear god. I finished Disco Elysium not so long ago and got quite upset when I found out the sequel is unlikely to be about Harry & Kim, so you have no idea how happy I am to find this game. It's so on point!! Can't wait.