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Antenna Games

A member registered Dec 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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scott's spitting facts

Glad you like it! <3

Hellooo I dont plan on it as of now, but if you're looking for a downloadable version of 2HOT, it is available in GameJolt under the name of ÜberHot. It's the same game, just a different name.

Here's a link to it!

Thanks a ton Hexelont!! I'm very glad you liked it :)

The controls are a bit tough at first, but since the game is about trying to reach a higher score than before, I think mastery requiring controls fit perfectly! Thanks for the compliments! :)

Yeah you were totally right about the sound, the old one was indeed a bit wimpy :D Fishing roguelike's been on a bit of a halt since I got sidetracked by this game, but now that this one's in the bag, I'll continue working on it and keep the devlogs coming 🙂

That's epic, thank you so much!! I'm super glad you enjoyed it and appreciated the design! :)