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A member registered Dec 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Quite literally the ability for a spin was our idea for 'R', it's even in the game doc! However, we weren't able to get it in time. The performance was very tough to work around with all of our spawned items. Near the end, there are almost 30k items on the map. We did do quite a bit of work for performance. 

LOTS of lessons learned in unreal for performance on this one :D

We agree! 

Our whole team did make it past the second area, but we also knew the meta on how to spread the best. Lesson learned on difficulty. Thanks for your review. <3

The eyes in the cave right?!

That was a fun thing we added right near the end. It used to be in the open but the shadows with the glowing eyes was the right move with big ole bug.

Thank you so much for your time playing!

The second area is tough, those bugs are mutants I tell yeah. We gotta just keep leaf balling them to SPREAD.