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A member registered Jul 10, 2015 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

This is great stuff, every one has their hard times , me included but follow through things will heal. 






short but I liked it, better platformer I've played in a while. the graphic's look pretty decent to.

simple, but fun,

I would recommend a way to exit the game with esc or the like but other wise nice.

ok so a few problems with this one,

1. apparently after extracting the files, the .exe needs to be re-extracted it's self for some reason when I tried to open the extracted .exe(no idea why)

2. sound is severly lacking.

3. controls are very hard to use or know. a simple display of control would be nice.

but I can tell you tried pretty hard honestly, and that is what counts in the end. This is a nice take to the theme of what is considered chaotic/ chaos.

short, but good, I seen a minor issue though your not normalizing your players movement, so when you go diagonal you move faster. unless that was intentional.

The other thing was I did not realize I was already in the garden area to find the last key. I was a bit confused for a bit looking for the garden.

oh no, it's perfectly fine, it's just odd this happened to you, could you still tell me what your screen's resolution is, sounds like it may have been quite large from I can put together.

I really liked how this was executed. its very stressful so I just ended up not using the phone and just driving past the traffic lesiurly.  much how I imagine it would be stressful to me if I actually did do this. which I would never want to.

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click way off? you just click on an item and it stays in your hand until you put it in or get rid of it with right mouse button. 

what is your resolution? the game defaults to 1280 x 720 resolution I do believe.

(edit)  I doubled checked and it does default to 1280 x 720.

much appricated, sorry if you had trouble.

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I just re-tested and major items did not respawn back, I can confirm that actually. I would look into this. is this fixed in the more updated one?

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1. you are suppose to sell items to make money and buy other items to use to combine. if they can not be sold they will either be-able to be released. right click to sell left click will buy an item if you can afford it.

2. I kept ambiance low since I did not have time to create a proper option menu to adjust varius aspects, some of them can be quite loud

3.  I had no time to create any varied sound with the machine is used, noted and will add more sounds played by it.

oh and yes I had no time to do a proper menu for escape. I mention this in the included readme.txt file that it quits the game when pressed.

and I plan to make a small tutorial at the begining of the game so people don't get stuck at the inverted apple. and they can know what to do. post jam of course and I have a options menu in the making currently.

thanky-you I played it and gave honest feedback.

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ok so some honest feedback, I know you've said you have updated it some on the main page but I will give my 2 cents,

1st no ambience / sounds hardly I would add some ambience or allow a player to play some music while working. as a janitor may do.

2nd, the action of picking up items and using seems a little jank to me, and can accidently cause a "mistake" if it doesn't get placed quite right. items should not land hard if not thrown.

3rd, rats can cause you to make "mistakes" I think only the player doing the action should be considered.

4th, the is related to items been picked up a bit jank, but if close enough to a wall items will go through the world and be gone forever.

5th,  rats can kill there self way to easy, you could  just wait for them to kill themselves while working.

6th, may been fixed already but the start a new game button does not work, and the player shouldn't be-able to move still after the fact.

The graphic's are decent. thats is all, depsite the flaws, I like your take on it.

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Here is mine for the gamejam,

please do not give feedback saying there is not enough combination's. I am aware of this and plan to add more stuff after post jam, thank you.

// Guide

I will explain things a little more here since the intro had to be cut some do to an audio bug, and so people may not get stuck as easy.

you can combine items into the "combiner" to create things and if able, you can either start selling it or release it into the world, with right click.

pick up items with left click and add them to the combiner. combine and explore.

you need to escape your never ending nightmare, a cycle.

As you play your health drains, and as you do things, your health drain increases, you must take your medicine perodicly to keep from dying.

do not consume it too many times in fast succesion or you will die.

Things you do will affect the outside world around you and new events will happen. when a major event happens you are able get either of the two Major endings before there corosponding endings can happen. They are fairly long timers so it's not exactly a race of time.

tom will talk about things happening outside of your area on the radio to your left.

Main goal is to get 3.5 million to leave. buying the end game item.

there is three upgradable items, Money multipler is self explanitory, med resist increases your limit to taking your medicine, and add health, adds more for you can get from consuming the medicine.

space is for consuming an item you are holding.

hopefully this will help guide people a little better since it had to be cut to make the deadline in time.

you can try mine here,

you said you use a laptop? sorry but I didn't have the time to implemention a option's menu in this version. so it was put on the high setting by default. but let me know if you have any problems running it anyways though.

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This is my game,

The goal is to make your money to escape your never ending nightmare & cause chaos to the outside world in doing so by any means using the aquried device.
you pick up items, you combine them to make new items and right click to sell or get text on an item.  Things happen around you as you listen to a man on a radio that tells events that are happening out there.

twitter: @Anthony_python

liked the execution, I found smashing chicken's with a huge hammer to be quite amusing.

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Fantastic game, this had so much packed into it. Truly a gem, having a lot of variety in game play was great. The story was also cool, loved it.