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A member registered Oct 16, 2023

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We have a 4 person team looking for a skilled 3D artist to collaborate on a Unity Project! Reply here or dm on discord @anthonyreidallen, nickname Tony!

Our team already has 3 members and a good concept to go with. Looking for a 3D artist to help with modeling! You can DM me on discord @anthonyreidallen nickname is Tony!

Let me know if you need another team member I also would like to use UE for this game jam. This is my first game jam btw!

This will be my first game jam but I can help out in many different ways with Unreal Engine! I am very well versed in project management throughout years of military experience as well. Anyone need an extra person on their team let me know my discord is @anthonyreidallen. I also love horror so this is going to be a really fun game jam!