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A member registered Oct 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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thank you so much for playing! im honoured to be in your video :D

thanks for playing! thats a really interesting idea :O i definitely wanna work on the difficulty curve so ill keep that in mind!

thanks for playing! i definitely agree the difficulty needs some big work done

thank you for playing! the trail in particular is an idea i wanted to explore but didn't get the time to - so i'm going to try to do so after the jam has concluded fully!

thanks for playing! that's a good point, i definitely think once i work on a better difficulty curve the limitation would shine more

thank you for playing! :)

thank you for playing! i definitely agree that the gameplay loop needs more work in the future to be more engaging

thank you for playing! :>

thank you for playing! ill be working on this once the jam is done to flesh it out some more :)

thanks for playing :D ill be looking at adding more engaging elements soon!

thank you for playing! i definitely agree, and im going to work on making it more engaging once the jam is done :)

thanks for playing! i definitely agree that the gameplay loop is too barebones right now - given more time id definitely have improved that aspect, and plan to do some work on it after the jam :D and ill definitely be stocking up on cookies next time lol

thank you! im sure ill be back to you with more bug questions as i develop it in the future :,)

thank you for playing! i definitely agree, ill be writing some more about how i want to polish in my post-mortem :>

thank you for playing! i definitely want to expand on the gameplay loop after the jam, so thank you for the feedback :D

thank you for playing! i definitely agree, its basically at the top of my to-do list lol but for the jam i just didnt quite find the time sadly

this is the start of something that could be really cool! the aesthetic is really unique and has a great retro web feel, and the execution of the idea is good too. i do wish there were some quality of life changes like a more visible game resolution, clearer instructions, etc., but its definitely a solid start with lots of potential if you wanted to keep working on it in the future!

this game is seriously cool! it's a nice and unique take on the theme, and while i dont 100% understand how the limitation works (it may be worth a small explanation in the description?) i still had fun anyway! i could see myself playing this on my switch in bed for hours lol - would love to see more from this idea if you decide to revisit it :D

(also my final score was 30100 :3)

if you go to your creator dashboard, then click across to "Game Jams" you will see a table of all your game jam submissions :)