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Antoni Gari Chia

A member registered Mar 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is incredible. Even as it is it's already more than enough to experience the dread it's meant to portray. Bravo. I will use this game as an example when someone asks why videogames should be considered art.

Hi, thank you for the feedback! We are hovering over the idea of collectives being able to escape the play area. On one hand it makes the player consider the timing to collect them, but it can be frustrating sometimes. We might change it int the future. But for now we'll focus on refining the core loop and implementing high score tables for bragging rights :)

Hi, thanks for the feedback. As it was a 48 hour game jam we focused only on getting the core loop. Next step will be to add different game modes and objectives so the game feels more dynamic, plus adding different difficulties and objectives and a proper local score board. More levels will surely come in the future. I hope you will enjoy them :)