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A member registered Oct 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Some minor updates.

 -Pricing changes (will tweak more)

-Number of souls gained shown.

-Cutty's AI slightly better. Need to stop him from bumping into walls.

Okay, the sound now works and the dialogue now works. Now that the bugs are fixed, time to finish the game and polish it.

Very fun. I like it.

Yeah I didn't test in browser. Ooops. There are two big bugs I missed. Missing music and sound and the dialogues not showing. They were supposed to be there to break up the monotony. Though you are probably right that I needed to tweak the numbers. Thanks for the feedback. Will try and implement something after the jam.

Thanks.I had been wondering if anyone got it.

I will try and add a small hunt radius. If the coding is not too hard. Thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks for playing

I added more bugs in the update. Will change it after the game jam.

Thanks for  your suggestion. The Reaper Fish now gets a portion of the scyth upgrade. :)

I like it but the letters are a bit hard to read for me.

Once you are in the game how do you restart the level or access the options?