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A member registered Jul 26, 2020

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(1 edit)

I just finished this game, let me tell you this is AMAZING. I love the art style its like a breath of fresh air, and it felt like my choices mattered. I love how my character wasn't a complete ditz and managed to stand up for herself at times (lol). I also loved that you included person of colour customization options (made me feel included haha xD) and that there was overall solid customization options included in the game. I can only imagine if you had a huge team of people what you would come up with. The world building and lore was just icing on the cake.

I just ugh,I am a very picky person about these types of games, I will delete if they can't capture my attention in the first few mins. But you have impressed me and left a good impression at that! I will be happy to support you in any future endeavors you have. Again great job with the storytelling and the art, just wish the dang game would have lasted longer lol.

Also Lacy is best Boi lol. That snark is 100/15

Stay safe & please take care of yourself!

Thank you for making this interactive story, it is truly a delight to read and it makes me feel as if I am really going on an adventure with MC & the gang. You got the touch! Please keep creating for as long as you can! Stay safe out there!

Lol, I am a sucker for this story!  I can't wait to read what happens next, this game has me hyped everytime I read it. Being the mush that I am I decided to go with Ollie's route first and that scene with him in the tent had me tense lmao. I was ready to run away from my laptop like MC  did ahaha. I love it, this feels like I am on a real adventure! 

Whenever I get the time I am drawing my main character, you have inspired me to draw something again!

As always, take care of yourself out there!

Hello, I created a account just to let you know that this game is fantastic. When I tell you I am picky and very hard to please, please believe me. I feel like I should be a video game critic or something because I have high expectations. This story you have created is magical. 

I am on the edge on my set since the first chapter and can't wait until you develop the rest of the story, please don't give up. When I tell you are a great story writer you are! I don't need fancy images and slide shows, when writing and imagery like yours are at play. Cheers & stay healthy!