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A member registered Mar 04, 2024

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is this pack god's alt

you can easily three-shot them by shotgun swapping in their face, two-shot if you also parry their beam attack thing

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buy the game, ask someone to gift it to you, idk pirate if you want, hakita wouldnt care ( just play the full game it is awesome, i somehow got over 200 hours already even though i got gifted it on steam like a month ago

even the demo somehow has a TON of replayability and it's fun as hell, so i think it's obvious that the full game is gonna be thrice if not quadruple as awesome. best difficulty to start with is obviously either standard or violent, but if you wanna play with lower difficulties it's also fine

ok sorry for the long and useless rant about how good the full game is i just wanted to say it

ok that one is the only fair criticism you gave tbh i should not have made that whole comment

my bad but the rest of your criticism is not that great just gonna say. 

i swear limited bullets even if it's not realistic a bad thing in my opinion. like just imagine i shoot too much and all my ammo is gone, first of all i couldnt get more style points for fresh weapon bonus cause i wont be able to use that (i think that's how it works), and if i accidentally shoot too much and run out of every single ammo including any other sources (this part applies to all shooters) then i would quite literally not be able to do anything except punch. the closest we got to ammo was marksman coins i think, only played the demo so idk

also i just hate reloading

yes i am an evil person

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downloaded this just to kill a bitbuddy, 10/10